Nazism and Black Metal


Nov 19, 2001
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Why is Black Metal eternally linked with self destructive, anti - individual, repressive, bent on continual war, murderous, nihilistic, immature, totalitarianism? A politics that has left no lasting imprint on the world but death and murder?

Musically I enjoy some of these Nazi black metal bands- but why are some of these guys for real- especially in Sweden and Norway?
Meh. Wait for Dying Sun to answer you, or someone else of that ilk. Don't just take what they say as being definite though, just because they use big words. It's often pretentious bullshit.
True SOmberlain- I still listen to alot of Nazi inspired bands- cuz I really do seperate music from ideology.

Maybe you are right Chemical burn- Nazism is far scarier than goofy satanism, any christian band- or any of those gore obsessed bands .

I wonder if Bolshevik, or Maoist metal is next- or maybe Bush-ist metal- thats pretty scary- especially in the lyrical and pronunciation department.
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One could speculate that the focus on heridity and pagan traditions ties in strongly with natiionalism, and their focus on the 'natural ways' would tie in strongly with the natural fascism that is inherent in nature... well, what do you know.

Then again, I find fascism nauseating. Not only do I hate it because of its basic principles... I think I hate it even more because it makes too much sense.
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speed said:
Why is Black Metal eternally linked with self destructive, anti - individual, repressive, bent on continual war, murderous, nihilistic, immature, totalitarianism? A politics that has left no lasting imprint on the world but death and murder?

Musically I enjoy some of these Nazi black metal bands- but why are some of these guys for real- especially in Sweden and Norway?

This is rather hard to explain... The wave of Black Metal that began in the 90s has always used hatred as its primary fuel, be it for non-whites, christians... and so on. Without that at the center what would it really be? hard power metal? haha, cradle style vampire bullshit?... I think that illustrates it.
I figure it's used as a catalyst to gain notoriety by bands with little actual talent. Can't get people to pay attention to your redundant and plagiarized music? What better way to get attention than by saying controversial and asinine things in the media or your lyrics. It's much like some social outcast teenager saying stupid shit about wanting to kill themselves to get attention.

Of course their are exceptions (Burzum: as Christian only seemed to adopt these "radical" views after the relevant body of his work had already been recorded, Nokturnal Mortum: who started spouting this shit only after they failed to spark much interest in their To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire album, ect..).
I think there are far more destructive ideologies. Fascism just seems to be the biggest. I for one am not going to jump on the anti-nazi bandwagon.
Nazism resembles parts of Aryan pride. Lots of black metal bands follow this way of thinking as it is linked with the warrior's pride and that like (pagan-centered stuff), back to the roots of their contries culture (viking and that like).
Heh, just like any damn ideology, it has its good bits and bad bits. No-one ever seems to get the balance right. :loco:

meh, I don't neccessarily enjoy or support the ideologies behind the music, but I find that it helps add a flavourful conviction to the music.....even if it is false or half-assed.
Heh? Like speed I seperate music from the idealogies the lyrics represent, it is just music, you know? But I don't listen to black metal because I think it fucking sucks musically, ambient noise does noy get my attention. Neither do have assed thirty-second notes that really go nowhere.
Not all black metal bands are neo-Nazi, but some notorious ones are, and that is why black metal and Nazism are linked. And some bm bands that are not Nazi, like Immortal, may be seen as such because of their lyrical empasis on the north and Norse mythology, which can come across as being nationalistic.
One of the most irritating things in the world besides nazis themselves, is that they use old pagan, norse mythology in their own ideology!!!
Those fucking thieves have no right to link vikings with themselves!!! ARG!!! And they think they are true viking if they are white or nazi, but they're not. They vikings would've probably killed them as well as others. So naziorginazations like Wigrid here in Norway can go fuck themselves cause they are all full og shit and their naziviking way of thinking is just stupid!

The result of nazis having Mjolnir aorund their necks, is that I and many other who are just fascinated by history and myrthology is mistaken for nazis!

All nazi's should get the fuck out of the bm scene cause it Hitler and his faggot friends are definetly not true!!!!

Black Metal is for anti-religion only!!!! that's at least my relationship to the genre. And no nazism is not anti-religious. It's just fucking stupid.

But then comes the likes of Burzum and others... This puts me up for a test 'cause I'm in love with Burzum's music. To fucking bad he had to get all nazi....

And the same goes to alot of other musicians out there.

I love black metal, but I disapprove of the neo-nazi ideology of some of these bands. There can be many good reasons to hate people, but race or sexual preferences aren't among them. You're white, brown, blue or like it up the ass, do I give a shit? Hell no.

I DO believe some BM bands take on a nationalistic image because it's one of the few things left that will piss people off.

Satanism(just because it pisses off christians) or anti-christian(or religious in general) messages are fine by me.
SOnicarnal artist makes an interesting and valid point- if one was the fuhrer or the duce etc., one would find Fascism to be the greatest form of gov. ever- apart from being a divine monarch( what can be better than telling the people that God has made you king- and have them believe it). I think in the deepest darkest abscess of our hearts, we all want to dominate people- give them orders- be king. Even in love, this at times can be the case.

Still why are so many Scandinavians still so beholden with Romanticism?- Its a dead ideology and philosophy- I can see the old viking connection but wake up you vikings- it leads to murder and Nazis.