Autistic Superstar
when the Norwegian brand of Black Metal started up Norway in the late 80's part of its inital idelogy was to offer a more uncommerical and more hate filled from of extreme music than that which was already on offer. Eurymous whenever possible poured disdain on the Grind/death acts of that time , as they wore their own clothes and in some cases adopted a a left wing anti goverment stance. he despised this as he thought underground music should be anti-mainstream in every way and should shock and enitce people via its antisocial image.
To this end those bands within Euroymous sphere of influence adopted satanic and later Facistic overtones purely as shock tactics to prove their extremeness (the same could be said fro the church burnings and other crimes). Only Virkenes was ever really Nazi, the others just played along until it became unprofitable to do so.
Look at the transvilanian hunger fiasco, the statement on the back of sleeve ("any one who criticises this recording should be patronsied for his jewish behaviour") was more a badly staged pubilcity coup than a real stament of right wing intent. the grovelling and somewhat unheartfelt aoplgly (somehow i doubt that Jew is another word for Jerk in Norway) showed that when push came to shove most Black Metal bands dabbling in facism would follow the dollar instead of the swazitka.
apart from Burzum and Graveland most NSBM bands are 14th rate Mayhem/Darkthrone clones who realise no noe would buy their records if they didnt shout about the typical contraversial subjects over the top of their weak as piss plagarisms of freezing moon and transilvanian hunger.
in the end, NSBM is the eqivulant of Bowie doing the hitler salute to a crowd of journalists or Wattie Buchan having a Swaztika tattoed onto his back: blantant attention seeking by breaking the ultimate taboo of western soicety.
To this end those bands within Euroymous sphere of influence adopted satanic and later Facistic overtones purely as shock tactics to prove their extremeness (the same could be said fro the church burnings and other crimes). Only Virkenes was ever really Nazi, the others just played along until it became unprofitable to do so.
Look at the transvilanian hunger fiasco, the statement on the back of sleeve ("any one who criticises this recording should be patronsied for his jewish behaviour") was more a badly staged pubilcity coup than a real stament of right wing intent. the grovelling and somewhat unheartfelt aoplgly (somehow i doubt that Jew is another word for Jerk in Norway) showed that when push came to shove most Black Metal bands dabbling in facism would follow the dollar instead of the swazitka.
apart from Burzum and Graveland most NSBM bands are 14th rate Mayhem/Darkthrone clones who realise no noe would buy their records if they didnt shout about the typical contraversial subjects over the top of their weak as piss plagarisms of freezing moon and transilvanian hunger.
in the end, NSBM is the eqivulant of Bowie doing the hitler salute to a crowd of journalists or Wattie Buchan having a Swaztika tattoed onto his back: blantant attention seeking by breaking the ultimate taboo of western soicety.