Nazism and Black Metal

I can dig bands who have members who are nazi, but only if they make good music and songs with nazi lyrics are not good songs.

So I'm glad Burzum sings about other things than his views on himself and races. If he did sing about that I wouldn't have liked his music. Strange, but true. No in fact it's not strange.. hmm

Is nokturnal Mortum nazi's? didn't know that!
if the nazis wore corpsepaint theyd be so tr00 and gr1m and fr0stb1tt3n even

but seriously, ppl should stop making the whole "you like black metal youre a nazi/satanist/murderer" assumption i like black metal, i love black metal but im not a nazi/satanist/...murderer oh well its not like anyone of us are going to make a difference on every living persons mind
metu said:

You can love your people without hating others.
Selected quotes:

Nokturnal Mortum "Call of Aryan Spirit"
"The Wisemen Are Cursing On The jewish scum
Spit In jewish faces, Cut them Into Pieces
Let them Choke With their Lie
Let The Woods Grow Up On their corpses

Aryan Terrorism "A National Socialistic Call" -- one-man project of Knjaz Varggoth of Nokturnal Mortum
"Shoot the my pals, shoot them fucking all
A national socialistic call"
yeah I know they are great musicians, but still I don't support nazi propaganda. If they were nazis but kept it private or didn't make songs about their thoughts then it would've been ok for me to buy something of them. That's why I bought Burzum. He's songs isn't about races and aryan power. They are about journeys through forests inspired by Tolkien and so on... and that I think belongs in black metal, not racism and nazi ideology

But sure they are great musicians, but it doesn't change anything for me at least
You guys are silly moralists. I don't give a fuck though, in avoiding these good bands you harm only yourselves.

I avoid Christian metal and detest the judaic religions. I've heard lots of Christian metal though and found none of it aesthetically intriguing with the possible exception of Killing Addiction.
Yes these people are fools!
Black metal brings up subjects like War and Elitism.And so does Nazism but your stupid minds fail to see or understand.
Hail NSBM!
Avgrund said:
Yes these people are fools!
Black metal brings up subjects like War and Elitism.And so does Nazism but your stupid minds fail to see or understand.
Hail NSBM!

Yes, opposing NS is one thing but opposing NS in BM is another. They're rather congruous if anything.
If you call yourself a Black metal fan you should not care for ANY human life's at all.The problem with nazism is that its praising the white race.Still there are no "rules" of what black metal IS.

Edit:I just read your sig.Abyssic hate is a great band!You heard Forgotten tomb,Xasthur or Shining?
I don't see BM as hatred towards everything but rather hatred towards liberal democracy and the judaic religions. Heh, this almost translates to hatred of everyone. Black metal reviles the synthetic existence of the modern man and his moralistic behavior.

Yes! Good shit. Old Abyssic Hate is great, it's the most hateful band I've heard. Do you like Astrofaes?
Demiurge said:
Really unique NSBM with a strong folk influence, "Ancestor's Shadows" is highly recommended.
I will check them out!
Just had a systemcrash today and lost all of my 25gigs of black and death metal so im pretty pissed right now.