Nearfest bootleg I keep hearing about!

Sep 20, 2002
Oakland, Ca
I've been hearing a lot about a bootleg version of the Nearfest show we did. I just read a review of Live at Last on Amazon, the american site, where some guy said that it sounded better than Live at Last...this disturbed me very much.

I remixed the Nearfest show with Tom a while a go but never released it knowing we were going to do a Live CD soon, so as far as I know the only recording of the Nearfest show would either be a board mix from the actual show or a mini disc or some other audience recorded version. I've not heard this so I don't know myself. But maybe someone can give me some insight.

Anyway, how can a bootleg that wasn't mixed or mastered sound better than Live at Last? Is this reviewer just a bit off or what?


FYI - I am planning on releasing the official recording of Nearfest in the near future as a bootleg and available on the Enchant Web Site for those who are interested in the mixed version.

Hi Doug,

I don't know for sure, but I'm betting that someone just downloaded your NEARFest video, ran it through some (readily available and often free) software to extract the audio - and then wrote it to a CD. I haven't seen it online, but I would not be surprised to run across one. Thus this probably isn't a real audience bootleg, but instead just the audio track from NEARFest's recording.

I'm still awaiting the copy of Live at Last that Michael's sending me, so I haven't heard it yet, but I have watched the NEARFest video a number of times, and I can't imagine that it would sound better than a mixed Live at Last!

Happy Turkey Day!
I can imagine your "disturbity" (im making up words already), since im sure you have put in a load of work mixing Live at Last. I just read that review and who know's maybe they like more a 'raw' sound from a live album. He did give LaL 5 stars. For a dowloaded recording to sound better than an original disc copy sounds a little off. Who knows.

I did download the Nearfest video off your website and have since had trouble dowloading it again as have a few of my friends after it was erased due to my computer crashing :yell: I've never seen any bootleg or other recording from this concert myself.

The sound was pretty good but off computer speakers so its hard to say. Actually it was quite clear. I cant imagine tho that this recording, even burned to a CD, or any other would sound better than a mixed/ remastered recording like Live at Last.

The Video itself was phenomenal though. Stable , panning camera. This was one of the best concert videos i've seen. I would think you guys set that up since it was on your website. It actually put faces on Enchant cause i didnt know waht you all looked like at the time. AAAAAH! :guh: just kidding.
Hey who was that dude on keys anyway?

I'll never forget the opening of "At Death's door", in the darkness---great stuff. I wish i could have been there. And Ted's ramblings to the half interested crowd (sorry)--a riot. ("the Lizard?? guys have heard the album right") :p
I also like to whoop that guys butt in the audience who called him a loser tho :err: (you gotta listen close for that) i guess that means the audio IS good then.

I dont know what the reviewer in question means about the song tempos being fast on LaL. It didnt seem that way while i was watching you guys play it!!
Another guy reviews LaL as being loud. I didnt know rock music was supposed to be repressed :confused:

Well i wouldnt sweat it Doug. Everyone likes it and i guess we all have different ears. I'll probly hold out for the DVD myself.

Hey there,

I need to correct that. The clip never was on the Enchant site. There used to be a link up for some time, but the clip itself was stored on the NEARfest site.
I did want to upload it after they deleted it, but I never did.

Doug I just saw that one, thats an odd one :err: although that Amazon review actually was not bad at all and the guy said some really cool things, but damn that NF recording was rough, although not horrible. But man how do you compare that to the mastered and mixed version of Live at Last? everyones ears are differant hah? I like the part where he said the tempos were faster then normal possibly due to time constaints :oops: yeah thats it :cool: we had to be somewhere later :tickled: we were starving right? and thirsty :) and the other one about being loud is pretty good too!

Hey Aaron, our good freind Mark Blasquez filled in the Keys for that show which is actually pretty amazing due to the fact he is really a guitarist! He did a great job considering how tough that show was. And probably one of the most judgemental and stoic crowds ever? Ted had some good one liners that night!

That was an interesting crowd though? I think if you listen really close that guy said Luuuuurp not loser ?

Anyhow it is always totally cool when people write in on Amazon and give great praise! It really helps us!

NP : Fade to Grey : Us

I got both the Nearfest video and a MUCH better sounding soundboard recording (it's definitely not a audience recording) - in my opinion, it breathe alot more, and sounds like it has better dynamics, well to me!. Compared to Live At Last, I dunno - it sounds less compressed/pushed - which in my opinion is quite nice!. But overall better - im not so sure about that.

I remember now that I sent nearfest the re-mixed audio which they synced up to the video...that's whay it sounds good.

I thought the video was awful to be honest with camera panning across the stage, close ups on Ted tuning his guitar during my solos, the guy missed every que in every song I think...I was so frustrated with the footage that I can't even watch it!

And as far as what the guy says in the audience: "At a boy Luther!" Which is what I was thinking about calling the bootleg, but then there is my preferred title: "They had dancing dwarfes and so should we!"

So does anybody have any interest in this show on audio or will I be wasting my time? Because I want to have the show mastered and make some kind of packaging for it, before I put it on our site and I want to be sure it will be worth it.

Ok kidding there of course... but wouldn't it be a waste to throw the video away ? Actually I liked it very much too. It might not be perfectly filmed, but it's a great show captured on video. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to have it.

Take care
I thought the video was awful to be honest with camera panning across the stage, close ups on Ted tuning his guitar during my solos, the guy missed every que in every song I think...I was so frustrated with the footage that I can't even watch

Damn video people! Can't trust 'em... ;)

Gotta get a better one next time...! :D

YES! Release it all! The more ENCHANT the better! It's especially worth it to have a live version of "Prognosis!"
I totally agree--the more Enchant the better! So what if it's not perfect, who wants to wait for perfection? Even with studio recordings, I'm sure certain perfectionist types are NEVER happy. :err: Yeah, the camera work kinda sucked, but it was my first glimpse of Enchant, and I'd love to have a copy of my own.

I'd like to see more releases--bonuses, singles, whatever! Just release more material! Nearfest, CalProg, I want it all! Even that cover of Brick House, please!:Spin:

Douglas A. Ott said:
So does anybody have any interest in this show on audio or will I be wasting my time? Because I want to have the show mastered and make some kind of packaging for it, before I put it on our site and I want to be sure it will be worth it.


Doug, as a fan in the Cleveland area, that video was the first time I was able to see Enchant perform (the Live at Last concert the second).

I thought it was a great performance that really reinforced my opinion of Enchant. I recall being glued to my monitor watching your solo during Seeds of Hate.

However, I'd hate to see you spend time on something you may not like to begin with.

This kinda makes me think of an mother was (probably still is, I moved out years ago) the best cook in the world, but she never liked her own cooking.
Douglas A. Ott said:
So does anybody have any interest in this show on audio or will I be wasting my time? Because I want to have the show mastered and make some kind of packaging for it, before I put it on our site and I want to be sure it will be worth it.





That would be SWEET Doug - there's definitely interested fans!!

Hey - speaking of selling through the website, I thought you mentioned once about redoing the merch section and offering more/new items for sale??... Anything happening with that? (I am fairly desperate to get my hands on a TUG shirt, since there didn't seem to be any Larges at the show back in March)
Doug, I've been selling that Nearfest Boot on the CalProg web site. I put that picture of you in the G-string that I snapped in the dressing room at CalProg ( you know the one I'm talking about) on the cover and I sell it under the title "The UNauthorized ThirdLeg".

Is this wrong?
I think _Live At Last_ is enough for me. But maybe a limited edition would be sweet for the die-hard fans. But might be a question of money, and I have no idea about that.

And Jim: :tickled:
I've always been interested in the NEARfest video, but now I'm more interested in that picture...
Jim, do you have any similar fotos of the other band members as well ? ;)
Might be a cool intro pic for the site...

Love and stuff
PapaJimH said:
Doug, I've been selling that Nearfest Boot on the CalProg web site. I put that picture of you in the G-string that I snapped in the dressing room at CalProg ( you know the one I'm talking about) on the cover and I sell it under the title "The UNauthorized ThirdLeg".

Is this wrong?

YIKES! :cry:


I remember going to Nearfest that year, and I think there was audio of the show up on the Nearfest website some time afterwards that someone may have created a bootleg from. I have been out of touch with this Enchant site for a while after changing computers, but am going to search for the new live CD after work today, can't wait to hear it! I can't imagine there's any way the Nearfest bootleg sounds even close to as good.

As far as fans not being into the Nearfest show, Nearfest in the past had a few great moments like Porcupine Tree and Steve Hackett. However, each year it has become more and more abstract, highlighting bands with complex but non-melodic music or reuniting dinosaurs that I never heard of. Enchant was much too melodic for the average Nearfest fan that year, and a few people in my area were concerned the music would be prog metal and too heavy for them. Pretty closed-minded for prog fans. Ted's words to the audience were great though, and I was the one person in my area shouting out 'My Enemy' when he asked what the one song we wanted to hear from Break was. Got a few weird looks for that one!
Douglas A. Ott said:
So does anybody have any interest in this show on audio or will I be wasting my time? Because I want to have the show mastered and make some kind of packaging for it, before I put it on our site and I want to be sure it will be worth it.

Doug, to be honest that's a stupid question ;) Go ahead Man. And to be honest again, I got to confess : I'm the kinda guy who can buy anything related to a band I'm crazy of. In the enchant case I already got 3 different versions for A Blueprint Of The World and 2 copies of Wounded and Time Lost.

So Doug please do it I'll hopefully order it as soon as it will be online.
There are some bands which are worth the effort of ordrering because they do it with love Enchant is one of them so people who agree, follow the leader and let's buy it !