
Mar 21, 2003
anyone here into necrophagist, this guy is unbelievable, or are they a full band now?, any information is good information

everyone check them out now, if your into technical death metal
They don't really have any official distribution. Go to the site though, they can direct you to a few people who might be able to sell one to you. They have a guy in America that sells the albums for them... I got one from him. That was quite some time ago though, and he said he had very few left.

They're a full band now, but they probably won't get another album out until early next year... at the earliest.
Excellent band! Those solos!!! However, as already mentioned, it's impossible to find their CD's !
Through Willowtip? Excellent, it will be cheap and easy to get then... I already have it, but depending on how much bonus material is on it, I may get the re-release as well.