Need advice on my bands upcoming EP!


Here to learn
Jun 18, 2008
Skövde, Sweden
So, my band is releasing an EP in a couple of week, and I'm mixing it right now.

I need your advice people, I know you can give it to me :3

I don't care to go over the details of the mix right now. Tell me what you think needs a change, or what is good. Of course you can ask something if you want to know.

Right now, after doing the mixdown, and taking a small break. I feel the snare is a tad low(?). Also the snare needs automation for the grind part. And the kick might need automation for the massive double bass part.
Vocals a little bit to loud aswell?


Cool song and nice work on the mix. Maybe a little bit more snap on the snare would help it cut though more. The toms could be a little bit more defined and have some more low end too I think.
Cool song and nice work on the mix. Maybe a little bit more snap on the snare would help it cut though more. The toms could be a little bit more defined and have some more low end too I think.

Exactly my thoughts after some more listening :)
I already fixed that before you posted :lol:

Thanks anyways! Anything else?
Hej gumman :3
Great playing and songwriting!
Is this Jonas 5150?
The mix kinda feels like it goes through myspace, it feels like it's lacking highs.
I would automate a floorfish on the faster doublebass parts, it kinda eats the mix when it's that fast.
I would add a bit highs on the kick (really high 8-12kHz~) and just a tad more highs on the bass aswell.
The toms are very low, raise them (and highs too).
The snare sounds a bit lazy (and I can hear clipping) and dark, add some highs to it. It feels a bit low tuned for the song and the transient could be more apparent. A 30ms attack would make the snare pop out nice. Is the snare-verb mono? I would go for a stereo one, but you could use both one stereo and one mono.
Cut some lows/lowmids on the vocals and add more verb on thoose, automate delay in some parts of the song and it will sound epic.

Looking forward to the EP :headbang:
Hej gumman :3
Great playing and songwriting!
Is this Jonas 5150?
The mix kinda feels like it goes through myspace, it feels like it's lacking highs.
I would automate a floorfish on the faster doublebass parts, it kinda eats the mix when it's that fast.
I would add a bit highs on the kick (really high 8-12kHz~) and just a tad more highs on the bass aswell.
The toms are very low, raise them (and highs too).
The snare sounds a bit lazy (and I can hear clipping) and dark, add some highs to it. It feels a bit low tuned for the song and the transient could be more apparent. A 30ms attack would make the snare pop out nice. Is the snare-verb mono? I would go for a stereo one, but you could use both one stereo and one mono.
Cut some lows/lowmids on the vocals and add more verb on thoose, automate delay in some parts of the song and it will sound epic.

Looking forward to the EP :headbang:

Hello, and thanks!
Indeed this is the 5150 :headbang:

Yeah, the whole mix sounds dark, doesn't it. I think that can easily be changed.

The snare is 3 different drumagogs blended. I have downpitched them all. So pitching them up a bit might give me both a more suitable snare sound and some highs. I'll look into what you said.
Yeah, the snare verb is mono. I'll try changing it.

"A 30ms attack would make the snare pop out nice."

Btw, I tried floorfish on the kick before I uploaded this btw. Thought of having it there all the time, but I noticed that even with all settings at 0 (it should do nothing then, I suppose!) it still changed the sound of the kick alot(!)