Need advise (cpu, motherboard...)


New Metal Member
Dec 9, 2005
Hi all!

Im going to upgrade my daw soon from its current setup (athlonxp2600+) to something hotter, and i have some questions:

What brand of cpu is best for a daw (amd64 or intel p4 socket 775)?

What are good motherboards for a p4 socket 775 when it comes to daws?

Any setups or "kits" that you people know work good together?
I would like to use my old ram (DDR) with the new motherboard instead of DDR2.

Thanks in advance! :Spin:
Dellinger said:
Hi all!

Im going to upgrade my daw soon from its current setup (athlonxp2600+) to something hotter, and i have some questions:

What brand of cpu is best for a daw (amd64 or intel p4 socket 775)?

What are good motherboards for a p4 socket 775 when it comes to daws?

Any setups or "kits" that you people know work good together?
I would like to use my old ram (DDR) with the new motherboard instead of DDR2.

Thanks in advance! :Spin:

get a amd 64 mobo, 3000+, and spin the clock straight up to 3500 (250mhz). This is a 939 socket, and it goes like lightning, with the mobo being able to take a dual core chip in the future. How fast in mhz is your old Ram? It will 99% chance work if its just good old ddr. You can pick up a bundle amd 64 and mobo for £130. If you're interested, i'll drop you the link!