Need all your help....


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
I'm finally getting a band started and need a name...
The only thing I can come up with that I think is straight to the point and will stick in people's minds is "Malice"
post back and tell me what you think of that, also feel free to give suggestions....
Thankie :oops:
hmmm, I'm the brutal death metal influence in it, both guitarists add a melodic, technical influence, one's favorite bands are satriani and vai and the others favorites are nightwish, yngwie, mayhem, sonata arctica, burzum, bathory, darkthrone, etc
So they do technical as fuck melodic stuff and I tune it up with groovy, catchy, br00tal riffage
and Derick, I <3 Batman. Have you read Hush yet?