Need an interface for Mac...


Sep 2, 2004
Need to pickup an interface for my Mac Pro.
Just bought Logic 8 this weekend.

Had been thinking Apogee duet,but maybe I should also look at presonus or something else. 2 inputs would be fine.
I'd go with one of focusrite saffire series - i've got a 26 i/o for mac and its perfect. I think the 26 i/o's have now been replaced with 40 i/o's but i think there's also a 10...ive got windows on my mac - i prefer mixing on it because alot of the free plugins that the guys on here use only work on windows.
Need to pickup an interface for my Mac Pro.
Just bought Logic 8 this weekend.

Had been thinking Apogee duet,but maybe I should also look at presonus or something else. 2 inputs would be fine.

Look at MOTU as well. In the long run and cost savings of upgrading interfaces, you'll probably want an interface that allows u to add on external preamps as well as SPDIF ins/outs for converters.
well, I had my mind made up to buy the Duet, but I had a friend who works at a studio in town mention real good stuff about Presonus and I didn't want to rule anything else out basically. I don't need a lot of inputs at this point. I do some on location drum recording but I have a standalone that I use for that and would export the drums to Logic later.