Need feedback on This Widek&Backe Song I've been working on..


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2012

Been working on this for a couple months now, started fiddling around with automation. Learned that automation is key to having the right sounds cut through and sit back! Please give it a listen! Working to making it better!

Wish I had a better amp sim so guitars aren't exactly what I want.
Feedback is appreciated as I want to make it even better!


Drums are fully Sampled with a bunch of random drum samples I Have
Guitars : Amplitube 3 DI
Bass : Raw, used 3 tracks; bass;grit and dist and stemmed it out.
Vocals : lots of compression and limiting, with some saturation.

BUt yeah Tell me what it needs! I think it sounds fine, but of course can always be better!
I'll start by saying that I do not like this particular vocal style (in any song, not just yours) so I cant really comment on the vocals.

However I must say that I like the intro a lot and it sounds fairly good (even on the shitty laptop speakers I have in front of me at this time). You said automation is key, well that is true depending on what you're automating? Faders? EQ? compression? Reverb etc...? your main tool to get things cutting through is EQ and automation works well with that. just my two cents.

The only other thing I would say is, perhaps pull down the ambiance/reverb levels a bit and add some pre delay to them, maybe 15-30ms?
After listening back on my DT 990 pro's You really need to pull back on the ambience and reverbs, everything sounds a little distant, especially the drums. You can keep the reverb lengths if you increase the pre delay on them.
Reverbs, okay. Well the only thing that really has it are the drums.. And its mainly the snare and the sampled room mic I created, to give it that extra "boom" i suppose.

Yeah i automate the volume faders as well as some reverbs for certain parts.

I'm really having troubles having guitars stick out.. should i be automating their EQ bands instead?
Reverbs, okay. Well the only thing that really has it are the drums.. And its mainly the snare and the sampled room mic I created, to give it that extra "boom" i suppose.

Yeah i automate the volume faders as well as some reverbs for certain parts.

I'm really having troubles having guitars stick out.. should i be automating their EQ bands instead?

From my experience with guitars in this genre and others its usually best to keep the rhythm as dry (no reverb) as possible and keep the low pass filter above 7khz so it has enough top end to sit pretty at the front of the mix, if it needs to be moved back in the mix a little just bring the low pass filter down some more until it sits right. Also notch out the non musical fizz in the top end of the EQ Between 6khz-10khz and this will allow the guitars natural presence to shine through without boosting it. keep the same principles for leads except you wont need to do as much notch EQ and you can ahve the low pass filter a lot higher (perhaps even off completely), and try to use delays rather than reverb, this will allow the transients to come through before the delay kicks in making it sound upfront, but still like its floating on the air. I you find the reverb suits the lead better try giving it a longer pre delay between 50ms-100ms so the transients don't get masked by the reverb.