Need Help: Deathcore/Beatdown


Oct 22, 2008

I'm currently mixing a project and I got to a point where every change I make just seems to make the mix worse...I need some fresh ears and hope that you guys can help me because I think that there is something completely wrong with this mix.

Short sample with Ozone on it:

Same sample without Ozone:

Some of the Cymbals are real, some are Metal Machine (drums were recorded but sample replaced). So the kick is a mix of the metal machine kick and 2 samples; same goes for the snare. Snare has a boost at ~250 Hz.

There are two bass tracks; a distorted one which I hi-passed at around 600 Hz and a non-distorted one for the lows.
I boosted the kick in the 60-80 Hz area and scooped the bass track there...vice versa at 125-150 Hz.

There are two guitar tracks which are Solo C + Podfarm. They have a hi-pass at 120 Hz and a low-pass at ~9 kHz.

The vocals really vary from only 1 track in the mid to 5 tracks panned left and right.

I think it's really too full...and I guess that the low-end is the problem.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks. :)