need help for a college assignment....

Dammit, I wish I could do something like that. Tonight I have to write a 3-page paper on Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
do the genres. not many people you go to school with (unless you live in a fucking dream world) really know what Black Metal is, or Death Metal. My dad thought BFMV was thrash, and he thought dimmu was thrash, because the vocals were not clean. he basically thouhgt "thrash" was anything with growls/screams/yells. because the word sounded that way.

open their eyes!
the only problem i see with doing this speech is that its just going to be me naming a shitload of bands over 10 minutes....i could do it on thrash then explain the whole metallica/mustaine incident, and maybe include how some other thrash gods like slayer, testament and kreator were formed?
Mike27 said:
do the genres. not many people you go to school with (unless you live in a fucking dream world) really know what Black Metal is, or Death Metal. My dad thought BFMV was thrash, and he thought dimmu was thrash, because the vocals were not clean. he basically thouhgt "thrash" was anything with growls/screams/yells. because the word sounded that way.

open their eyes!

People think growl vocals are satanic too, so you could also straighten that out.
maybe you should even touch on the about the "tipper sticker" hahaha good ol dee snider. And if ur gunna talk can't forget Maiden and Bruce Dickinson and the NWOBHM.
as Necrobutcher from Mayhem put it "Fuck them who the fuck are they..fuck germany we are the best fucking metal band ever...fuck them"
In ten minutes it will be very hard to do a history of metal with out it sounding very rushed. I would narrow it down. Pick a genre or a period of history. I liked the idea that Carc had as well.
Try to reverse roles.

If some kid in class was going to give a 10 minute speech on rap, what would interest you about it?


You're not going to be interesting to anyone else but you. ;-)
People don't wanna listen to or be informed about something they already know.

The only ones who I could see listening and paying attention as well as interest are the ones who're hungry for that specific knowledge.. who wanna know more about the topic the presentation is on.
Aarohi said:
Can I see that paper? Or could you link to some related pages online? :)

It's actually not on this computer anymore.. However I can either try and get it next time I'm home, or if you want go online and try looking things up on Olaf Trygvesson and Christianity in Norway around the time of the last last turn of the century. I'm sure you'll find something.
SheisMySin said:
As far as suggestions...maybe highlight different bands that might appeal to people who like different types of music. Like...Nightwish would appeal to people who like opera vocals. Therion might appeal to people who like symphonies. Etc etc...

So this way, people who wouldn't normally be interested in metal, might find a sub genre that they are interested in.

Can you stop fellating Nightwish in every post you make? It makes you sound really stale after a while, and it's starting to bother me, thank you. Sorry I know it's bitchy but you sound stupid.