Need your help for an english talk....


Feb 19, 2003
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Well, I'm french and gonna have to do an englsih talk in a month or something..So, I'm basically looking for websites where I could find english metal articles...stuff like Ozzy or Judas Priest problems with Justice in the 80's or whatever else about metal...
I'm counting on you,
Cheers !
what he sed
i seriously cant really help you out to much, best bet is to check out wikipedia and do google searches, maybe some of the other dudes round here could help you out
Yeah I just looked but I can't really find any good complete sources either. Best thing to do is just google for articles. I don't think there really is a website that has chronicled the history of metal in that type of detail. might have some, I don't know. But then again Anus is a horrible place where you generally need to take everything you read with a few kilograms of salt.

I think if you google for things like "heavy metal judas priest sued subliminal" or stuff like that you will find plenty of articles on that.
opethmaniac said:
Well, I'm french and gonna have to do an englsih talk in a month or something..So, I'm basically looking for websites where I could find english metal articles...stuff like Ozzy or Judas Priest problems with Justice in the 80's or whatever else about metal...
I'm counting on you,
Cheers !
I think if you google for things like "heavy metal judas priest sued subliminal" or stuff like that you will find plenty of articles on that.

Well, I just found that, following your instructions :

I really think one of them could be the good one...being english, maybe you could help me choosing ? Even if I think the first one seems to be the best...
And, before I forget, thanks a lot to you all !!
Why don’t you check google ?
I would love to help but that’s what I would do and I am too tired to do it now.
Out of all I know ozzy was of a poor family and served time after stealing something I don’t remember now.Later on,he punched a cop for beating a junky in the middle of the street (that was after he had started with BS )
Later on he was accused of provoking Satanism with the song Mr. Crowley and out of the same record with the song suicide solution for some asshole was listening to the song and killed him self.
He came out clean on both of these.and that as much I can remember now from his biography.
opethmaniac said:
I DID use google, Dude !! But I'm quite sure the first article I found is the good one, I'm just wainting for you to tell me what you think about it !!

He once tried stealing a 24-inch television set. Balanced
on top of a wall with it, and trying to keep his balance, he fell off
with the television landing on top of him. He did some more break and
enters but used a pair of gloves with the fingers cut off. Naturally he
was caught.

Ozzy also broke into his 63 year old neighbor�s home. It would be many
years later, in 2004 that this act would be repaid to him.

Caught breaking into Sarah Clarke's clothes shop while trying to steal
sweaters, Ozzy served six weeks of a three-month sentence at
Birmingham's Winson Green Prison. His father refused to pay the �40

While incarcerated there, Ozzy tattooed the now famous letters O-Z-Z-Y
on his left knuckles and happy faces on his knees using sewing needle
and a graphite slab. One happy face can be seen on his left knee on the
"Diary of a Madman" album cover. He would later be put in jail again for
punching a police officer in the mouth.

Shortly after his release from prison for burglary, Ozzy wound up in the
hospital on glucose for 12 hours after being thrown through a glass
window while fighting 3 men.

does this help ?
cookiecutter said:
Reading those articles made me mad. Those were obviously fucked up kids and the parents used Judas Priest as a scapegoat for their own inept handling of their sons' lives. People like that make me sick.

Yep, I agree and that's why I want a text which deals about that...hopefully, I could manage to destroy some crap thoughts people usually have in mind about Metal..the same thing goes for Ozzy, Manson etc etc...and when I hear on TV that Lordi, who won the Eurovision, are satanists, it makes me feel like I'm right to do that..