Need help from guitarists...


Aug 31, 2003
I haven't played guitar in a LONG time and I lost a lot of knowledge about the art so I need some questions answered from you fine people. I'm gonna head to get my guitar stringed up(They do it better) and buy some chords.

1. Are thicker strings better for playing metal and what type of strings are the best?

2. What type of picks are the best?

:headbang: :headbang:
I think the type of picks and strings you use is based mostly on your tastes. If you're gonna do some droptuning or downtuning though, you'll want thicker strings (I use hybrids which are .46-.09). I never go below "D" tuning though, so I don't have to worry about real thick strings.

As for picks, I prefer medium ones. I don't know a lot of people who like thin. Whenever I get thin ones they always break in well under two weeks (i guess i grip em too tight?). Besides, as my old teacher said - you want to be able to find a point where the pick and string have the quickest response time, and a thin pick bends when you play, so it will take just a millisecond longer before the note is hit.

Hope that all made sense, and in a rundown: bit thicker strings, medium pick. And hey, if medium isn't working for ya, you can always go lighter or thicker.
GroundXero3k said:
1. Are thicker strings better for playing metal and what type of strings are the best?
Actually depends on the depth you want. The thicker the deeper so to speak. Plus if you play hard thicker is better cause you strings should last longer. Transcend's guitar play would break 13 gages after 2 days and pics wouldn't even make it one night of practice lol.

GroundXero3k said:
2. What type of picks are the best?
as far as pics (i think) it depends on your style of picing. If you pic hard you need a mid to hard pic. Your hand will just eat the strings with the soft pic. If you pic soft you sould get soft. The pic has alot to do with the sound as well. The harder the pic the more the scrapes you'll hear. It's really all preference. pics are less then$.23 a pic any ways, so mess around with them. You'll find what you like.

Plus the only hard part about stringing a guitar is stretching the string. If you can do that, (which you can, all you have to do is pull on the string lightly itkeeps it's tone after a stretch or 2) the rest is cake.
Personally i play with the thickest elixers (cant remeber the gauge). For picks i use 3mm "Big Stubby's." I grind the fuck out of anything less than like 1.5mm.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Personally i play with the thickest elixers (cant remeber the gauge). For picks i use 3mm "Big Stubby's." I grind the fuck out of anything less than like 1.5mm.
stubbies are great i prefer 2.0 my self their gray felt with a little white alligator on it awesome for speedpicking
can't remerb the name of the company(no idea why) it starts witha d though
3mm? jesus christ haha. thats waaay fuckin thick. i use the green dunlap tortex which are like .88mm or something haha. its all personal preference. buy some thick pics and some thin ones and see what you like. like tehsin said they're only like $.25 a piece.
dunlap there we go,
go for 2.o grey felt dunlaps have a little white alligator on them
awesome pics
eitehr that or the big stubbies are real nice
Like just about everyone else here said: its all about personal preference. Generally the gauge of strings you want to use is dependent on how low you're going, and then some descretion on if you like your strings thicker or a bit thinner.

Generally, if you're going for EADGBE standard or E-flat tuning, 10-46s and 9-42s should fit the deal well... if you go to D or C# 10-46s might work, but you'd might want something a but thicker. such as light top/heavy bottom strings (10-52).... anything lower than that (C or B), you're best off getting heavy strings... something like a jazz set (12-54). but hey, you can put on the heaviest strings and play in E if you want to.

As for picks, I preferred .88mm dunlop tortex picks for the longest time, but now I use (significantly heavier) dunlop jazz III's. Its easier to pick individual notes with a heavier pick, and strumming is easier with a light pick. Once again, thats all a matter of preference.

anyway, don't feel afraid to experiment to find something that works for you.
I used the top/heavy strings and I wasn't happy with them. I use really thick strings my self. I like my bass strings at 132 on the B and guitar i'd like to try on the 6th string a 56 or thinker. I like to play heavy we I play my own stiff.
Well, I use:

9-46's for E or Eb tuning, and will use them for drop d/db.
10-52's for D or Db tuning
11-56 for Cb... though they're a little loose....
I use D'Addario 9s

Usually, the thinner the string guage, the easier it is to shred. Also, you want to take in your action. If your action is low, that'll make speeding across the fret board easier. If you want heavyness and chords to ring loud and proud, raise the action

Pick wise? I use Jim Dunlop Xtra Heavies...I love em. I've found that thicker picks are better for speed picking and's a little harder to move around the strings with a thicker pick, but it does the job quite well.

Oh yeah, I use D'Addarios because I've found that they last longer and don't break as easily (I hated Ernie Balls, and don't even bother with GHS)
Strings - I've been using earnie ball lately - they hold tension nicely, dont break very easily, and have a nice, long life and spring to them
try the regular or super slinky

D'addario in my opinion go slack too quickly - GHS are alright, but i really haven't played too many.

Try some earnie ball regular slinky in 10 guage for some good metal sounds

Also -sometimes the tension isn't always the strings, has a lot to do with bridge settings and tunings etc - try fucking with your claw and truss rod - but go easy :D

Ummmm - for B tunings on 6 strings I recommend using 13 guages - anything higher in tuning, try going up in string guage (ie: C - @ 12 - 11)

In terms of picks - I prefer to use dunlop Jazz III's - they're insane and i love them, and i will never ever ever ever ever use any other fucking pick in my life until they come out with something better

oh yeah - HI EVERYBODY :p
Thicker strings just mean a richer sound. You don't really need them unless you want a different tone or 'thicker' sound. I use EARNIE BALL strings for my electric and GODIN strings for my acoustic.
As for picks.. well like everyone has said.. it's preference. Sometimes a jazz pick (the really hard ones) are good for picking (lol) because they are harder and smaller than the standard hard pick.
You don't want to be using a light pick because they bend too easily and you'll go nuts! Heh, anyway, I wish you luck. And don't forget to practice those scales and do hand and arm stretches before you play! :)
seven string guitar packs I believe you have to special order...I have no idea...guitar center may have them (has not set foot in a Guitar Center for two years for good reasons)

oh yeah...*flips off Frets*

at least Nico agreed with me
7-string guitar strings? I've seen the Earnie Ball packs for 7-strings at this store called "Steve's Music" in downtown Toronto. I doubt you'd have to special order them (if that's infact what you guys are talking about hehe).