Need help with mix

Jan 7, 2009
This is just something I have put together in Nuendo and sound forge. I use a line 6 podxt, Superior Drummer 2.0, and East West Symphonic Orchestra Gold. I am not satisfied with this recording but I was hoping that people who are more intelligent with these sorts of productions might feel inclined to help by dropping me some advice. I don't have any processes outside of what I did with an equalizer, compressor, and limiter (I used waves 8-band paragraphic Eq, waves C4, and waves L3 Multimaxizer.)

"Ithaca" by Hyperion

bands myspace -
man, this sound :worship:
one question, what do you use to connect POD to PC??? what interface?? or ubs direct pod-pc??

and...i love your guitar sound, could you share your POD preset? i have pod X3

incredible again,
I double track each guitar

Guitar 1 -
Engl Powerball (I think the X3 comes with the metal pack so hopefully this works for you) -

Hyperion guitar-

Guitar 2-
Engl Powerball-
(same as above)

Hyperion Peavey-

Sorry to bombard you with yousendit links but I just have two more.

This is a song idea for another song but I think I like the guitar tone in this more than the other

(I just used the engl and the first hyperion tone, the hyperion peavey tone, which is much more heavily scooped, is not used in this clip.)

Thanks a lot for the kind words but I still have a ways to go until I am satisfied because I use the exact same plugins and equipment as and I think his sound absolutely slays mine. I am just trying to figure out how to amplify my signal that loud without losing all of my dynamics.
first, thanks for all the presets. incredible man :headbang:
ok, and then, in new idea record you use:

guitar1 - engl
guitar 1 - hyperion

guitar 2 - engl
guitar 2 - hyperion

sincerely, I like your sound more than mendelb sound.;)

yes, X3 includes metal shop.perfect.:p

i use pod X3 connected to my cheap and normal (an old) sound blaster audigy...
and...i have two problems:

- first, it's difficult to me to obtain loudest sound without clipping...when i obtain a lot volumen, clipping...
- second, my sound always is compressed (i'm spanish and i think that correct term for this is scooped???)

and another question, is better to put MASTER VOLUMEN pod maximun volume (100%) and then regulate volumen input of my sound blaster???

i think that i'll buy a m-audio solo fireface interface to record with spdif directly, it will sound better?

thanks again, and sorry for a lot questions...
Yeah unfortunately I don't know how much help I can be when it comes to your soundcard. I would suggest downloading "ASIO4ALL" off the internet (its free) and using that as your primary driver also. I am not sure what D.A.W. you are using (Nuendo, Logic, Pro Tools, etc) but you should be able to normalize an audio file which boosts the recorded signal as far as it can go without clipping. I record at a very low volume coming from my pod and after I have recorded the file I normalize it (Seeing how there isn't a normalize function on my pod it is best to do it this way so that you can get your guitar as loud as possibly without it clipping). In terms of an overly compressed or scooped sound though, this is a modeling amp so it is naturally going to be pretty compressed. Just be sure to record with more mids than you think you need and less drive than you think you need and hopefully that will yield a good result.