Need help with recording


New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2012
Hi all, hope this is the proper place to post this:

I have written and EP over the past few months of school before I recently graduated. However, I had tried recording the song before, to no avail. The laptop I have right now is a piece of shit and the recording gets fuzzy and laggy every time. I am currently working to pay off loans, so I can't get a new computer fit for recording. A member of the metal band "Slice The Cake" refereed me to this sites forums. Is there anyone with a passion for music like myself, who would be willing to help make my envisioned EP a reality by taking the time to record it for me? I am only asking because I cba to wait another 8-10 months until I get a proper PC. I have tabs in guitar pro format for each song. I will give credit to whoever would help in the production. These songs aren't really difficult and I wanted to be able to hear them in something other than midi format. They are a melodic metal/hardcore genre-esque feel. Hit me up, or post in this thread if this may be of interest to you.

Thanks for the time