Need help with this cause it sounds like shit!

- what stage is this on? composing, recording or mixing?
I'm trying to give it a decent mix. Everything is done being recorded.

- where is the bass guitar?
It's in there, it's just too low I guess haha.

- any chances to program the hihat to be less robotic?
I didn't program them, but I can work on it.

I don't need it to be super clean sounding, I just want it to be consistent.
Try compressing the vox first, the singer has a bit of a monotone voice which is probably hard to get it right (sounds like madball btw).
My thoughts, bring up the guitars a bit more, give them a bit more bite as well..
Perhaps scoop the guitars around 200-300Hz and boost the bass around 200-300Hz to get the bass out more, scoop the mids around 500Hz on the bass and see how that sounds.
Compress the vocals, so it sounds more wet automatically without reverb.. then add reverb, and maybe a hint of delay here and there (automation).

You're getting there.. keep it up!
Thanks dude.

Compressing the vocal now, Are we talking SLAMMING this bitch or not, because there's some compression on it now, but it's not really doing it's job; I don't know how far to go.

Scope the updated version.
Yeah, what i do normally do is run it too hot.. then from there just slide it back till it sounds decent.
For reference, take the fish fillets, then take floorfish, and use one of the vocal presets (dont remember it's name) but that one really does a decent job and might be just what you are looking for.
Try to fatten up the guitars with some parallell compression if you havn't already. The tone is okay imo :) Give them some more volume aswell.

The drums are very robotic, what are you using?

I think the fact that the vocalist suck brings down the mix -.-

If you have the possibility to reamp the bass (or is using a vst amp) you should try to give it some distortion. and loads of highs. this music need more bass guitar!

The kick is a little bit low aswell. And the snare could use some more 200-300 hz to be more full.