Need ideas on getting snare to come through more clearly.


New Metal Member
Apr 7, 2010
I recorded this recently:

I was trying to do 100% natural, but the kick and snare were getting buried by the lead track.

I tried everything I could think of to get the separation of the three, but with no success.

Here I have replaced the kick by 70% and the snare by 55%.

On the kick I have a compressor at ~3dB of GR and on the snare about 4.5dB of GR. Also the snare is bussed to an aux with sound toys devil-loc with a small amount of compression and a lot of distortion. This seemed to help a lot with the clarity of the snare, but it's still being buried in spots.

The only thing I could think of to do with the guitar was to just try to EQ the attack of the 2 drums out of it.

Any thoughts?
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Sidechain individual instrument groups to the snare. Then a separate sidechain for the kick.
Mess with the db, attack and release of them so it's not all techno pumpy.