Need me some vocals


Inspiring audio engineer
Jul 28, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I started a little side project. Its crazy groovy electronic rock, but I don't think high pitched metal screams or growls will fit in. Does anyone on here have a cool sounding punk voice or like whiney yell.
Actually some high pitched metal screams might sound really good for a crazy groovy electronic rock. Although I guess it really depends on what sort of vocals your over band mates want. For a punk voice or you need to shout, theres no secret to it.
I could do some growls and I've got an okay high pitched kinda like 3 inches of blood scream. How far are you from Missouri though?
Yea I just wanted someone to record over the internet. Yea you are right high pitched screams could sound good as long as they aren't as harsh and grindcore screams. Something like An Albatross would rule.
I was thinking something along the lines for Mnemic (you need to check these guys out) which are a groovy electronic metal band. I do screams but their exactly like carcass's singers screams so maybe there a bit to harsh and I live along long way from you.