Need Opinions on this mix...

Save up for drumkit from hell superior if your programming drums. How did you record the guitar tracks ? they sound a little weak. Like the synth though, very 80's.
Hmm, that would explain why the guitars sound weak and thin. Guitar rig is great for those late nights when you have the urge to play but dont want to piss the neighbours off. I'd never use the distortions from guitar rig, apart from maybe the overdrive pro ( screamer ) combined with ther rectifier model. The cleans are decent. Use a real amp for distortion.
Thats the problem im running into actually....

When i record my guitars for some odd reson im not getting any of the good lower mids. even with my mids on my amp cranked. i cant seem to find the right place int he mix to boost it a bit so it not so scooped.

My other issue is finding a good place to put the kick drum.

What i have been doing to try and train my ears is use a paramentric EQ and slide through the audio spectrum looking for the swwet spots for each instruments. but im not having much luck

Da Fukn Guru
The first are definitely weak, but when you explained how it was recorded, it made sense. The second clip sounded better with the guitars, but I agree with the above. It does have a very thrashy, old 80's sound which does kind of date it to a degree.

If you're micing an amp on the second clip, try to work around with mic placement too. For instance, when I did this quick recording with my little Crate practice amp: sounds like it has more high end than what I was using. The treble was on maybe a "6" at best, and it doesn't even have a presence knob on the amp. This clip was juiced with a Maxon OD-808 in front, and the tone was set around 9 o'clock or slightly lower. Point being, sometimes you may have to work a little harder at the sound, because what's coming out of the amp may not always translate the same to a recording depending on mic placement and how it's recorded.
guitarguru777 said:
If i had a mic i would .... lol

I just started putting the studio back together and for some reason none of my mics made it down here.

Da Fukn Guru

You gotta love buddy and I were actually using a $5 Radio Shack mic for a while to record demo ideas for our old band back in the day. We were poor college students back then! For what it was, that little $5 mic sounded halfway decent with a little EQ'ing after the fact. It definitely got us through, and we ended up with better tones mic'd with that thing than we did direct...:cool: