Need recommandations: Driving music

nwa ... straight outta compton

Straight outta Compton, crazy motherfucker named Hell Mike
From the gang called Thrashers With Attitudes

My brother has: That song, shitloads of johnny cash, some other pokerish country and some more shit. NWA is the cariest but I much prefer thrashing hell.

edit: ok i didn't rhyme
Don't get all pissy, I'm just amazed you thought those were 80s bands. Giving a fuck doesn't enter into it as long as you've had rudimentary exposure to rock music, but maybe you haven't.

Edit: If that's the case, rock is an awfully broad genre to write off entirely without knowing at least a little about it. Chances are, there's a variety of stuff out there you'd probably like if you gave it a chance.
It can really vary greatly depending on mood, type of drive (short trip vs. long trip, side streets vs. the open highway), weather, time of day, day of week, etc. However (and I know you said no 80's), the first two Metal Church albums fucking rule when driving (or any other time).
Funny you say that, I was about to say Metal Church are an exception to the rule of no 80s fluffy metal (Metallica, Megadeth, Maiden, Metal Church are tolerated.)
Well, I was going to upload a few tracks but ended up with 14 in total and so decided to throw them into a .zip file. Much easier than doing them all separately. I think I have the idea of what you are looking for and so I picked an assortment of things since I don't have a clear idea of what particular styles you favor and wanted to avoid stuff I'm fairly sure you have already heard. Some of it you may like and some more than likely not.

Hopefully there's something contained here that meets your needs.
Well, I was going to upload a few tracks but ended up with 14 in total and so decided to throw them into a .zip file. Much easier than doing them all separately. I think I have the idea of what you are looking for and so I picked an assortment of things since I don't have a clear idea of what particular styles you favor and wanted to avoid stuff I'm fairly sure you have already heard. Some of it you may like and some more than likely not.

Hopefully there's something contained here that meets your needs.

thx bud, will check it out :kickass:
Achille's Last Stand

Fact Jean Jacques - This will knock the one and only remaining side mirror off your vehicle.
FUCK YES :kickass:

Metallica - Four Horseman
Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper
Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild
Rolling Stones - Paint it Black
Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand
FUCK YES :kickass:

FUCK YES :kickass:

yeah definitely clutch. for the past 5ish days, whenever i have been in my car, Robot Hive/Exodus has been playing
FUCK YES :kickass:

view it this way: some don't give a fuck about rock???
You make as much sense as EVERLOSTINCAPITALLETTERS, except you have some grasp of communication skills.