Need some urgent honest criticism in the album I´m working on


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hey dudes!!! I´m just finishing my mixes for this band, and the deadline is next sunday, so I´d like to hear some outside criticism cause I´ve been working the last month only with this project, and may be my ears are not telling me the truth.
Drums are all acoustic, except SN and Kd are blended with Slate samples.
Guitars: 5150 & Krank Krankentein with OD808, guitars ESP Custom Shop with 81&85 and Ibanez Prestige with stock pickups.
Bass: High end Warwick 5 strings neck thru inside sansamp inside Ampeg Svt3 with 4x10 and 1x15

Please let me know what you think, what you will improve...and if anyone´s interested in some more info, just ask, thanks as always!!


Damn i really like the chorus vocals in here. They are so upfront and cleanly done. I feel like something is a bit off around the bass frequencies, although with my hs50ms I dont hear extended bass all that clearly. I really like the bass guitar sound. The guitars could use a bit more character in my opinion. Something in their growl doesn't quite sound awesome yet. Great work.

I would use less stereo panning, something around 50% and use a delay stereo to open them back a bit.
Everything else (especially guitars) sounds awesome! Did you track guitars yourself?
Yes, I tracked everything except vocals, thanks! I´m using delay in all tracks, a higher amount in choruses...what I use to do is:
If the track is i.e. "Lead chorus L" I insert a delay send panned hard left, and a delay plugin in a stereo bus, set to "two repetitions in 1/4 notes" first one left and the second one right....may be you could suggest something better....

The guitars could use a bit more character in my opinion

Well, fx´s in guitar fx chain are: Waves C4, Hi&Low cut, plus Waves SSL EQ and Sonnox Inflator. (The EQ taken as reference is machine head guitars from the blackening...) Not very excited about the tone, now I´m trying something Americanish ala Devil Driver&Killswitch Eng.

Cheers, I will post a new version tomorrow!!
kick sounds reeeeaally dead, and guitars lack midrange. toms "sing" too much, eq, comp then GATE. clean vox panned too much to the sides, sounds like the guy is singing in japanese, that's pretty cool. bass is really muddy, sounds really "one track". try having one multibanded and comped to shit and one more lively "grit"-track. maybe you have that already, in that case, you failed. work the bass bus EQ a bit.
kick sounds reeeeaally dead, and guitars lack midrange. toms "sing" too much, eq, comp then GATE. clean vox panned too much to the sides, sounds like the guy is singing in japanese, that's pretty cool. bass is really muddy, sounds really "one track". try having one multibanded and comped to shit and one more lively "grit"-track. maybe you have that already, in that case, you failed. work the bass bus EQ a bit.

Kick: Dead? You mean buried?
Toms: Are EQ´d, removing some midrange in around 400Hz, compressed with a 1776 and side chained to a gate in the trigger track, then in the bus some cliper
Clean vox: Absolutly agree, now I´m making tracks narrower, like 50 L&R
Bass: Compressed in the way in with a distressor, it´s two tracks: one sansamp and a bit of dist into audix d6, other one is pre out from the ampeg head...volumes d6 track 0db, pre out -10db (It makes some phase issues) Eq´ed in the bass bus, giving some midrange (because d6 lacks of it) and I´m not sure if I should compress again in the bus...

Anyway thank you so much for your time!!
Hey, I made a new mix of the clip. Differences between the previous one are:
- Guitars Re-Eq´ed with more mids and less highs
- Bass Re-Eq´ed and recompressed
- I set my distressor as paralel compressor bus, and I sent Kick, Sn and bass
- The mix is summed and eq´ed (small cut@300hz, and like 2db@80hz&8k)into a valve console with a GSSL comp bus clone inserted in the master chain taking 2db GR. Then limited aiming -9db RMS

What do you think!!!