need your ears


New Metal Member
May 1, 2012
After "mixing" music I have found here (mixing practice FTW) and mixing other stuff, I decided to post something here, because most of you guys are much better than me so you are able to help me.

So here it is (song played by my band):

This mix does not feel right to me, but I can not figure out what is wrong with it.

I have been reading posts here for some time befere i signed in (1.5 year?) and I tried to use some techniques you guys use, like:

high pass on everything except bass guitar and kick
parrarel compression on drums.
2 bass tracks: clean one and distorted one
side-chaining on bass guitar
bass guitar and guitars are bussed (little bit of compression, like 1-2 dB gain reduction)
trick using spectrum analyser (bass to one side, guitars to other to see what is going on around 100-200Hz)
when i was using EQ i tried to cut, not to boost stuff.
and other stuff.

Every little thing I have learned here helped a bit, but you know... it does not feel right

For guitars I have used Poulin Le456 and some Guitar Hack impulses, becouse... well, I am not able to get useful tone using real thing, dunno, I guess I am too retarded. I hope that some day I will be able to capture with mic something sounding better than a drill. However, many of you are able to get decent sound out of VSTs, so back to me being retarded...

Guitar solo will be recorded this weekend (I hope).

Drums were recorded using electronic drum kit, then Superior Drummer was used. I also used Drum Core free for snare (about 12dB below SD snare) and some sample I have found here for kick. After all I am happy with drums

No vocals yet, they will be recorded soon (singing, not vegetarian-progressive grindcore screams) and I am afraid that when I will be trying to put them on top of this pile it will (as always when I'm mixing anything) get only worse, so this is the reason I want to put everything on its place (I am aware that even if I get the best-sounding-instrumental piece of music, I will have to make room for vocals, but hey- this is not best-sounding-shit) before adding vocals.

emmm..... oh, no mastering of course, I just used some freeware maximizer, though it is still not loud enough for METAL :muahaha:

I guess whole thing is listenable (at least you can hear every piece of drum kit, it was not always possible on my prevoius mixes), but it lacks something (Or it has too much of something. Or both) and I have no clue what is wrong.

I hope someone will help me improve my skills.
Thanks in in advance
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to me sounds unglue.... im lackinf bass i guess
to much click in the kick, too much low mids on guitars. and rise the bass a little... cant hear it enough