Need your help in making a decision!


Apr 3, 2008
Clearwater, FL, U.S.A
Ok Folks!
Help me out. There are two local shows I want to attend the week after next. However, I have to schedule a business meeting on one of these two days. Which one of the following gigs should I go to? Please decide for me as I'm tired of dwelling on it.

1. Dimmu Borgir / Behemoth

2. Symphony X / Epica / Into Eternity

Have never seen Dimmu Borgir. Have seen Symphony X many times. Have never seen Epica.
Dimmu puts on a good show, Behemoth puts on a fucking great show, and I've never seen Keep of Kalessin but if their shows are as good as their music, they'll steal the show.
Epica is fun but I guarantee you Behemoth is better.
Epica does not have Simone with them. In plain simple English, Dimmu Borgir is your best bet. Not knocking Amanda Somerville, but Amanda is only touring for the ailing Simone. If she was the full replacement, different story. But, she ain't. Therefore you can go to Dimmu w/o reservations.
Epica does not have Simone with them. In plain simple English, Dimmu Borgir is your best bet. Not knocking Amanda Somerville, but Amanda is only touring for the ailing Simone. If she was the full replacement, different story. But, she ain't. Therefore you can go to Dimmu w/o reservations.

As with everything you've pretty much ever posted, your reasoning is ridiculous and overly superficial. :lol:
As with everything you've pretty much ever posted, your reasoning is ridiculous and overly superficial. :lol:

No it's not, it's pure logic of ruling out reasons. If seeing Epica is the reason for him to go to that show, he might as well wait until they come around again with Simone so he can see the performance of the full band. Amanda might be great and all, but she will never sing with them again (hence the comment about being a permanent replacement) so he might as well skip it and go to the Dimmu show. Choosing to go to a show for a support bands who is down a key member & a headliner you've seen numerous times vs. going to see a headliner for the first time isn't much of a contest.

Please tell me, what's so wrong with this reasoning?

On the other hand, Amanda wrote a lot of the songs with Simone (i think), is Simone's vocal coach so she knows how to sing the songs, she's (imho) a better singer than Simone, AND it's your only chance to see her with this band. Certainly Dimmu will tour again.
As with everything you've pretty much ever posted, your reasoning is ridiculous and overly superficial. :lol:

Did you read his post? He's seen SymX countless times, IE has been seen more times than Elvis, and Epica has a temp replacement. So, I gave him my opinion. If Somerville was PERMANENT, it is a different story. She's not, so basically Epica is temp right now. So, why go and get confused?.

And, if my reasoning is not up to your standards, why do you answer?
Did you read his post? He's seen SymX countless times, IE has been seen more times than Elvis, and Epica has a temp replacement. So, I gave him my opinion. If Somerville was PERMANENT, it is a different story. She's not, so basically Epica is temp right now. So, why go and get confused?.

And, if my reasoning is not up to your standards, why do you answer?

Has nothing to with "standards".

Who cares if she is a temp or not? You say it like the show loses something just based on the simple fact that Amanda is a temp and not a fulltime member. Not even the fact that it's not Simone and that Amanda might not be as good a vocalist, but the fact that Amanda is just a "temp," as if it affects the rest of the band's show. To me that's just ridiculous. Not to mention that Epica will not tour the US as frequently as Dimmu and Behemoth, who are both huge bands. Epica is not on that level, and the likelihood of them coming back in support of this album isn't all that high. But nah, who cares about that, Amanda is a temp, and who the hell wants to see a temp live?
On the other hand, Amanda wrote a lot of the songs with Simone (i think), is Simone's vocal coach so she knows how to sing the songs, she's (imho) a better singer than Simone, AND it's your only chance to see her with this band. Certainly Dimmu will tour again.

I think Tammy was channeling me a bit when she said this but let me tell you all something...

When Amanda sang she ABSOLUTELY BLEW ME AWAY and gave me chills and a flutter in my chest. She may not have the "Sweet Mills" that Simone brings to the show but she absolute brings it with the sheer power of her voice. Not only that but both Epica and Symphony X are performing at the top level of what I've seen them at on this tour and it's definitely not a tour to miss. Epica might not be back for a while. Dimmu will be back again, guaranteed.

Amanda sings the lyrics like they're her own. I think skipping out on this rare opportunity is a huge I think if you like Epica, you should support the band (for their GREAT music) and not just go to see them when "The Hot Chick" is on stage.
Dimmu sucks live now. They're terrible, so if you go to that show you can feel free to leave before they play. behemoth is a great live band if they happen to score on the sound. If their sound sucks, their songwriting is too chaotic for it to be anything but mud. If their sound is good, they'll rock your nads.

Epica is nothing special live, with or without simone.