NEGURA BUNGET - Inarborat Kosmos


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002

They’re back! After a not so long absence, the Transilvanian boys are here to bash your face in once again. In a smaller dose this time, but totally confident and mature. The new four track MCD, recorded this time around in their newly built studio showcases a band firing on all cylinders and working together like veterans.

The two main tracks, “Wordless Knowledge” and “Uprising Follow”, clocking in at around 6 minutes each are both in English this time. The other two, “Cint de Sursur” and “Vaiet” are more ambient tracks but nevertheless still effective. What I noticed first about this disc is the new level of detail in the production. Negura Bunget have always managed on each subsequent release to improve on their sound without losing their core element of originality.

The band sounds better than ever and totally confident. There are some newfound elements here on the two main tracks. Some futuristic ones if you will. I hear a distinct Nothingface era Voivod influence around the 3:00 minute mark on “Wordless Knowledge” … if you can ever imagine that!

Hupogrammos sounds totally out if his mind on this disc … in a great BM way of course. A totally inspired performance. Negru is proving once again that he is a beast behind the kit. He has a sound all of his own, and his unorthodox ways sometimes remind me of the great Gene Hoglan. I love it that when he gets going from a slower passage he just barrels through in a steamroller fashion. Listen to “Uprising Follow” for proof.

Last track, “Vaiet” … is to me a teaser to the new disc to come later this year, “OM”, which the band claims will sound totally different than this MCD. There is an effect at the end of that track you have to hear … is it from a well known “pulp” movie? You be the judge!

There are 2 videos on the multimedia part of the CD. One for “Vazduh” which is a pro looking ditty from MTV Romania and includes a totally spooky intro from Hupogrammos. The other is a home video style affair for “II” … this one is a little raw but it gives a great sense of the band live.

734 copies in total for this release. I think half of that is sold already so you know what to do.
I am sceptic.
When i saw the cover in connection with the phrase "futuristic" in the review i felt instantly reminded of so called avantgarde black metal like new vintersorg...
I really liked the last Negura Bunget album though so i feel tempted to try it out - or i will wait for the album.
Will someone who dislikes modernized pseudo-proggy black metal like this mini-cd?
it is not pseudo-proggy at all ... or avantgarde ... there were some elements that reminded me of early Voivod that is all.
It would be pretty good by any other band, but as a release by the band that released "N Crugu" and "Maiastru Sfetnic," it's quite a letdown. That fabulous atmosphere that characterized those two albums is gone. But it's only an EP, so I won't be too harsh to pass on judgement until I hear the full length (due out October).
Freanan said:
I am sceptic.
When i saw the cover in connection with the phrase "futuristic" in the review i felt instantly reminded of so called avantgarde black metal like new vintersorg...
I really liked the last Negura Bunget album though so i feel tempted to try it out - or i will wait for the album.
Will someone who dislikes modernized pseudo-proggy black metal like this mini-cd?
If you liked 'N Crugu Bradului, you will like this one. I would never put "futuristic" in a sentence discussing this EP; it's still quite earthy and organic. Just buy it before it's too late.