i don't have pics of the tour, but...

the band is working on a US tour, and it seems that this time it will happen :)

stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks.
hmmm....the lyrics didn't seem wrong because they looked pretty similar to what i could understand from what i've listened to. would you please give me a link with the right lyrics? does the album contain the lyrics? i couldn't find it yet, but i'll order it.

p.s. are you from romania?
keenox... man, check your pm

Mit „Om“, der neuen Veröffentlichung von NEGURA BUNGET, wird die Flamme der transzendentalen Essenz des Black Metals weiter getragen. Oder einfacher ausgedrückt, hier wird eine Idee weitergelebt, ohne sich in die klaustrophobische Enge von Szeneklischees, Abgeschmacktem und tausendmal Dagewesenem zu begeben. So klingt Musik nach der Initiation in die Mysterien der tiefsten Materie.

Die Rumänen verbinden Naturmystik, das Gesetz des Willens und ihren transsilvanischen Hintergrund ideologisch derart stilvoll, dass Eindeutigkeit lediglich auf einer ästhetischen Ebene stattfindet, und dies auch noch auf eine sehr abstrakte Weise. Die Musik ist sphärisch und tiefschwarz. Ohne brachial zu werden, lauert hinter vordergründiger Langsamkeit, in einen Kokon gehüllt, eine kraftvolle musikalische Intensität, die nur dem Black Metal innewohnen kann.

Doch darüber hinaus findet eine Synergie von vielen anderen Musikgenres statt, die ähnliche Ideale/Ideologien transportieren. Einflüsse aus dem Folk, Ambient, Doom, Militäry und Industrial sind nicht zu leugnen.

Mit „Om“ ist das erste kosmische Mantra eines neuen Stiles gesungen worden, dessen beklemmende Melange sich hoffentlich durchsetzen wird. NEGURA BUNGET haben sich nach nunmehr zehn Jahren musikalischer Laufbahn (in aktueller Konstellation) aus dem Staub erhoben und ein häretisch okkultes Gesamtkunstwerk erschaffen, das sicher mehr kann als nur Musik zu sein. Progressive Strukturelemente gepaart mit dem Können von Metalmusikern: E-Gitarren, Bass, das in gewissen Kreisen ach so verhasste Keyboard und Schlagzeug bilden den Grundstock, hinzu kommen Hörner, Glocken und der atypische Gesang von HUPOGRAMMOS. Die Texte sind auf Rumänisch, deshalb lassen sich aktuelle Inhalte für mich leider nur erahnen. Allerdings liegt die Kraft auch vielmehr im musikalischen Ausdruck, als dass proklamatorische Wortpropaganda überhaupt noch Sinn hinzufügen könnte.

Eine chthonisch organische Atmosphäre lässt „Om“ mit seinen elf Stücken als ein Gesamtwerk erscheinen, das nicht zerfasert, sondern am Stück erhört werden sollte. Nur so lässt sich der nebelige Wald, so die Übersetzung des altrumänischen NEGURA BUNGET, durchqueren und wie es im spirituellen Manifest von NEGURA steht, die „elevated magical significance of the fog, carrying the ancient sorcerers between the worlds, seeing the old wood mark of the forest’s anima; there opens the untouched land meant as Transilvania. A magic chosen place... for that which was to be fulfilled. The circumscribed circle of the tense inner reality where all human perception, intellect and experience merge” erkennen.

Der infernalen Dreifaltigkeit von NEGURA BUNGET, HUPOGRAMMOS, SOL FAUR und NEGRU, geht es sicher nicht ausschließlich um Musik. Leider ist das bisher von Drummer NEGRU herausgebrachte NEGURA MAGAZIN (Central European Ideological Magazin), dessen Inhalt bisher über eine rein musikalische Seite hinausging und auch spirituelle Themen behandelte, schon länger nicht mehr erschienen.

Seit „Majastru Sfetnic“ ist die Band beim italienischen Label CODE666, auf welchem auch Musikgruppen wie ENID, DIABOLICUM oder MANES unter Vertrag sind. CODE666 ist nach Labelbetreiber EMI eine Hommage an einen gleichnamigen Mexikanischen Snuff Film, der mir allerdings nicht bekannt ist. Zumindest ist das Spiel mit Doppeldeutigkeiten und Schwarzer – Avant –Garde mehr als einen bösen Blick wert. Seit 1999 wächst dort langsam aber stetig eine musikalische Saat, die den Namen Underground noch verdient.

Kathrin W.

With „OM “, the flame of the transzendentalen Essenz of the Black Metals is continued to carry to the new publication of NEGURA BUNGET. Or more simply expressed, here an idea one lives on, without going into the klaustrophobische tightness from scene plates, Abgeschmacktem and a thousand times Dagewesenem to. Thus music sounds after the Initiation the subject deepest into the Mysterien.

The Romanians connect Naturmystik, the law of the will and their transsilvanischen background ideologically in such a manner styleful that clarity takes place only on an aesthetic level, and this also still in a very abstract way. The music is spherical and jet black. Without becoming brachial, a strong musical intensity behind vordergründiger tardiness, into a Kokon wrapped, which only the Black Metal can be inherent in, lurks.

But takes place beyond that a synergy of many other music category, which similar ideals/ideologies transport. Influences from the Folk, Ambient, Doom, Militäry and Industrial are not to denials.

With „OM “the first cosmic Mantra of a new style was sung, whose oppressing Melange will hopefully become generally accepted. NEGURA BUNGET rose after now ten years of musical career (in current constellation) from the dust and a häretisch okkultes synthesis of the arts to create, which can surely more than being only music. Progressive structural components paired with the being able of Metalmusikern: E-guitars, bass, that in certain circles oh in such a way hated key board and Schlagzeug form the basic stick, in addition come horns, bells and the atypical singing of HUPOGRAMMOS. The texts are on Romanian, therefore current contents for me can be unfortunately only suspected. However lies Kraft also rather in the musical expression, proklamatorische word propaganda could add at all still sense.

A chthonisch organic atmosphere lets OM appear „“with its eleven piece as a complete work, which does not zerfasert, but at the piece to be erhört should. The nebelige forest, as the translation of the old-Romanian NEGURA BUNGET, crosses and as it in the mirror-image-ritual communist manifesto of NEGURA leaves itself stands, „elevated magical the significance OF the fog, carrying the ancient sorcerers between the worlds, seeing the old wood to Marks of OF the forest' s only in such a way anima; there open the untouched country as Transilvania meant. A magic chosen place… for that which which tons fulfilled. The circumscribed circle OF the tense internal reality where all human perception, intellect and experience merge” recognize.

The infernalen Dreifaltigkeit of NEGURA BUNGET, HUPOGRAMMOS, SOL FAUR and NEGRU, surely not exclusively goes it around music. Unfortunately so far the NEGURA MAGAZINE (cent ral European Ideological magazine), brought out by Drummer NEGRU, is, whose contents so far beyond a purely musical side went and also mirror-image-ritual topics treated, no more not appeared already longer.

Since „Majastru Sfetnic “is those volume with the Italian label CODE666, on whatever groups of music such as ENID, DIABOLICUM or MANES under contract are. CODE666 is after label operator Emi a Hommage to a Mexican Snuff of the same name film, which does not admit to me however is. At least the play with ambiguities and black ones - Avant - is worth guard more than a bad view. Since 1999 there slowly however constantly grows a musical seed, which still earns the name Underground.

Kathrin W.
I've posted these separately because the browser returned an error. I think it was because the post was too large.

The right Romanian lyrics

1. Ceasuri Rele (Intro)

Ceas rãu… rãu ceas…
În miãz de noapte,
La rãscruce se aºeazã
De cãrare mi se agaþã.

...în cerc deschis...
...ºi-n mijloc ºad...

2. Þesarul De Lumini

În arc de vînt, trezesc un gînd
Ce suflã-n zare deºteptare...
În rîu de salbã selenarã
Curge soma veºniciei
Pe drum bãtut cu piatra rarã.
Scãldat în spume ancestrale
Încãlzit rubinul varsã
Prin duh de foc cu limba arsã,
Pe loc trecut de noapte lungã,
În timp bãtrîn ºi fãrã umbrã.

În arc de vînt, trezesc în gînd,
Din ceaþã-nflãcãratã un trup
Sorbit din stele siderale,
De soi de plasmã neînchegatã,
Din fir de apã fermecatã.

Prind dorinþã-n arc de vînt
S-o sufle-n forma ce va sã vie.
De pãmînt sã prindã trupul,
Ca din vis sã se iveascã
Iar din pãlmi sã nascã faptã.

3. Primul OM

ªi unde vara cade într-o joi
Acolo eu o sã mor
Ori buni, ori rãi, tot un mormînt!
În vînt…

4. Cunoaºterea Tãcutã

Atîrna cerul, de sus pãmîntul
De sub rãdãcini, agãþat de glie,
În funie dreaptã întinsã-i zarea
ªi prinde-n colþ de cer vãzduhul.

Îndreptat e ne-rostitul de necrezut,
Descãtuºat e ne-vorbitul dãscãlit,
...departe de tot...
Acolo unde înþelepþii se aºeazã
La veacul de somn.

În urmã ºi-a urmat chemarea
În umbrã i-a fost mereu zarea.
...departe de tot...
Acolo unde toate gîndurile mor...

Sã lãsãm cuvîntul sã doarmã ...
Lipsind de vorbe, mutã-i mintea,
Seninã-i fruntea...

Gînduri curg, ºi acoperã lumea,
Ghem de fire înnodate,
Se în-coardã ºi a-coardã
În tot ce-i fals ºi nu vibreazã.

Cînd fãcutul nefãcut,
Ce-a trecut prin netrecut
A zãcut ºi-a petrecut
Prin fãr’ de loc,
În fãr’ de vreme...

Ochii înceþoºaþi ºi tulburi,
De-o mare de semne,
Ce-n van presarã înfãþiºare,
Înecînd privirea
ªi-nrobind vederea
De a sa lucire.

Sã lãsãm cuvînt sã doarmã,
Oblojindu-ºi lumea-i surdã...
Îndãrãt de oarbe semne
Rînduiascã peste timpuri
Cu tîlc rostit ºi tãinuit,
Iscãlit în chemãri de veghe
Pînã-n cea din urma moarte.

ªi unde vara cade într-o joi
Acolo eu o sã mor
Ori buni, ori rãi, tot un mormînt!
În vînt…

5. Înarborat

Despicã-mi oglinda de dincolo,
Cu a ochilor ascuþime...
Chip ce neclintit se aºterne-n sine.
Þintesc lumile, întorc luminile
Liniºte lãuntricã se dezveleºte
Dincolo de a minþii ºerpuire.

Despic cãrarea nerostirii, prãbuºitã-n nemiºcare
Umblet prin suflet pe sfori de nepãºit.
Cuvinte surde croiesc prin minte,
Nori de vorbe îndeasã neîncetat
Zumzãind cu sunet aspru.
Cãtre stînga rãsucesc privirea
Ce strãpunge scutul lãuntric, tãcere
Cuprins de eterna negîndire.

Calmã adiere ce de dincolo mã trage
De-a curmeziº de lume, purtatu-s de zefir
De la începuturi cãtre nadir
Înþelept domnit, alunecînd ca prin vis,
Albind întunecaþii mei strãmoºi de stîncã.

Despic puterea,
Cu a ochilor asprime,
În mãduva bradului de veci,
ªi cum stau înaintea-mi,
Înghiþit neantului
Înãuntru-mi privesc
Aºa aproape de mine,
Strãluminat de cel ochi, mãiastru
ªi Însumi sunt.

6. Dedesuptul

În sînul venelor pãmîntului,
Cad în hãul de sub care,
Foc ascuns sub încuietoare;
Focul viu, mereu nestins,
Strãpunge trupul chinului
Arzînd Gemma tãinuitã
Þintuind în vîrf de spadã
Sã despartã despãrþitul,
Sã înnoade înnãditul.

În ochi de ape subterane
Picurînd sclipirea,
Rostogolesc cristale
Din roua lacrimilor ascunse.

Cap, vas cu gînduri neînsemnate,
În clocot prinde sã se spargã
ªi împrãºtie înflãcãrate
Scîntei de-nsufleþire amarã.
Din sudoarea frunþii lor
Întru schimbare sã se iveascã
Strop de apa cristalinã...
Sã-ntoarcã mãiestritul, cristal din apã
De fãpturã pãmînteascã.

Deasupra adîncului în nechemare,
Duh purtat peste înflãcãrate
Ape întunecate,
Sã se coboare ºi sã-nconjoare
În chip neobiºnuit pe om,
Cît mai adînc crestînd
Pînã-n lipsa de înfãþiºare.

7. Norilor

8. De Piatrã

Pãtruns de nãzuinþã
Aºtern un trup din nou,
ªi pieptãn fire luminoase...

Sunt primul om ce þese lumina,
Sunt primul om ce-ºi þese lumea, veºmînt de sclipire surã,
De curînd aprinsã-n a luminii umbrã...

Cufundat în nerostire
În tãcerea tuturor,
Desluºit, în fel de nedesluºit.
Însemnat în sensuri,
Pline de-nþelesuri.

Sunt omul ce re-nnoieºte
Din fiara înflãcãratã
Înãlþat spre vultur.
Untdelemnul ce nu arde
ªi smaraldul ce prinde
Împãtimirea sufletului.

Mãsura, ce cîntãreºte lumea
Prin judecata liniºtitã;
Judecata ce nu judecã.
Lumina ce se strînge
Ca-ncordare a duhului,
În voinþa fãr’ de dorinþã.

Ochi de lapte,
Plin ochi de forme...
Clãtit în patru colþuri,
De car’ se prinde lumea,
Spãlat de cenuºã în mierea soarelui
Înnodat cu nimb de netezire.

Topesc în mine mierea veche,
Roua sumbrã de sub pragul
Asfinþitã casã, în capãt ei,
Asfinþitã, ca sã încapã tei,
...din cele patru colþuri...
Altoind în mine, cu soi ales
Las sã prindã roade,
În trãiri ºi glas cu chibzuinþã.
Fãrã aºteptãri, îndrept,
ªi-mi drãmuiesc rãbdarea.

În tot ce-i vis ºi aºteptare…
Strîngem comori în semne,
Sã cufundãm în noi adînc trãirea,
Ca „eu” sã nu mã spulber,
Ca „eu” sã nu mã uit,
Sã nu piarã a mea oglindire,
Ca lumea-ntreagã sã nu se piardã.

9. Cel Din Urmã Vis

În gol mã vîntur nimicniciei,
Fãrã însemnare se sorb prãvale…
Vînturat ce-n zãri se stinge,
Fãrã cruþare,
Tot ce-i dor ºi încleºtare.

Un ºir foit se rãsfoieºte,
Un ghem de vise încolþeºte.

Tãrîm strãvechi rãscolit de miraje,
Unde clipele-mi pier
Cînd mijlocu-mi se cascã-n zare.
…ºi înãuntru-mi se goleºte
Despletit de sfori de fel
Ce viscolesc nemãrginirea.

Golitoarea ce seninã muºcã,
Soarbe seva ce-a scãzut în vine.
Uscat vînt crapã cerul... gurii
Ce scuipã vãpãi de viu foc în beznã.
Despleteºte... mãrunþit...
Grãbit, cãtre nimic rãsfirat...
Încetinit se mistuie, dogorind de jale
În nimicnicia ne-nsufleþitoare.

Vãrsãtoarea ce-n formã toarnã stele-ncinse
Ce-ntoarce necuprinsul ºi-i reda suflarea.
‘nmulþit ºi preamãrit
Înãlþat în pîntec scapãrã scîntei...
Mãnunchi mãiestrit ºi dibãcit de-nroºire
Glorie, ce-n om îºi gãseºte firea.

10. Hora Soarelui

Un pas adînc, cerul deschide
ªi-n hãul de dedesubt,
M-arunc, ºi soarele mã prinde

Cum munþii se rãsun, ºoimii se adun,
Codrii se trezesc, frunzele ºoptesc,
Oasele trosnesc, stelele sclipesc, ºi-n cale se opresc
Na mesa de doi lai munþi
Împlini de arbori fãrã frunzi
Între pietre nearse de soare
În lemne neroditoare
Lîngã tãul fãrã fund
Cu toiag despic cãrare
Ce mã poartã-n hãu de naltã zare

Þes soarele-n cãmaºã, în aþã fermecatã
Chibzuitã ºi trufaºã, cu gînd drept legatã

Ieºi soare din soare
Ieºi soare spurcat, ieºi soare necurat
ªi cu mîndrã sorã lunã,
Leagã cununã, cununã legatã
De horã ºi soare, din cer pînã-n zare

De dincolo dã cer
Dinapoi de lunã
Din-afar de soare
Dintr-odatã am fãcut înc-o lume nouã
Din nimic!

11. Al Doilea OM (Outro)
Probably Smug Top Albums of 2006
Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

Negurã Bunget - Om

Imagine music that literally sounds as if it’s been carved out of wood, or has been hidden underneath pine cone and forest underbrush for many years. This is exactly what Om sounds like to me. I really didn’t think I’d ever experience something like the first time I listened to their previous album “‘n Crugu Bradului”, but I certainly did with this. However the journey was magnified so much greater, I can’t possibly fathom what they’re going to do next but I am most certainly on the edge of my seat.

Talk about being really surprised and impressed out of the fucken blue! Negură Bunget has done so for me, although I must say that I had some warning. A few months ago a friend of mine downloaded this album to my hard drive, played it a couple of times and declared it to be good. I was mildly attracted to the sounds emanating from the speakers, but since there’s always so much stuff to listen to, I stored it on the “check out later” rack of my brain. I digged it up last week, and after quite a few listens, I must say this is a magnificent effort! I wasn’t expecting it to be actually, since my friend is one of those nekro types and the butt of many of my “kvlt” demeaning jokes. He’ll see the back metal light one of these days, one can only hope.

Negură Bunget is a band hailing from Romania, not exactly a hotbed of the genre. Not a lot of things much more metallic than Dracula, Transylvania, vampires, wolves and such, eh?! Countless songs have been dedicated to those subjects already. So what does a band from that most unholy land then brings to the black table? I’d have to understand Romanian to actually discern what they sing about, but it doesn’t strike me as too cliché. Upon further research I found out that these guys are quite the mysterious and spiritual bunch, and their music does reflect their ideology, I’ve got to agree.

Their sound can be roughly described as folk influenced, ambient, atmospheric black metal. This is not your run-of-the-mill black outfit, not at all. These guys are extremely talented, and in “Om”, have mixed these elements to perfection, giving a big middle finger to Burzum and their copycats in the process, probably unintended, but well deserved. The keyboard work displayed all through the album is very accomplished, adding and reinforcing to the moods. The horns, flutes and any other folk instrument I might be missing are effectively used to create an amazing vibe of darkness seldom successfully achieved by most of the bands that try this style.

The riffs and leads are above the average black metal standard, tasteful, subtly repetitive on some the longer songs, yet with an epic, somber quality that is just fucken great. The bass is audible and makes it’s presence felt strongly on some tracks. The drumwork is varied and precise, mostly mid-tempo since there’s nothing truly blazing fast to be found on the songs except for a couple of passages here and there.

The vocals are something else for sure. Completely sung in Romanian, yet delivered with a chilling expressiveness that makes you forget about the language in an instant. The screaming and growling are ace, the spoken word is truly dark, as heard in the blood-curling intro “Ceasuri Rele” and “Primul Om”, and the chants are the crowning moments of vocal glory. Shivers will run down your spine, that’s guaranteed. Such perfect placement, at the moments where the overwhelming gloominess of the record is peaking, is just brilliant songwriting.

The flow and ebb, the esoteric quality and overall dark atmosphere of “Om” don’t let up for a second. Clocking at 67 minutes, this is not an affair for those with a short attention span. The way this record is structured, on the other hand, makes the listening session a highly enjoyable ride. After the sinister opener, the strongest track, “Tesarul de Iumini”, shows us Negură Bunget’s abillities to craft a great song to the fullest extent. A somber, grim tune, really diverse and entrancing all through its twelve minutes. Instrumental and spoken word pieces like the stirring, warlike “Norilor”, “Primul Om” and “Al Doilea Om” are beautifully composed. “Dedesuptul”, “De Piatrã”, “Cel Din Urmã Vis”, and amazing, folk heavy “Hora Soarelui”, which displays some great use of flutes and acoustic guitars/sitar, are my other personal faves.

In the end, I can’t do anything else but praise these Transylvanian dudes on a great effort. “Om” is definitely one of the best releases I’ve had the pleasure of listening to of late, and I fully recommend it to those that might be interested in the otherworldly black metal experiences. Those interested in the other side of the black spectrum, and you KNOW who you are, might as well stay away. Now, let me fuck off and start digging for Negură Bunget’s other records, have a fucken awful day, folks!

8 esoteric Transylvanian fuckers out of 10.
From Rising Darkness Magazine (Germany)


Negura Bungets letztes vollständiges Werk „`n crugu bradului“ war schon ein bemerkenswertes Album, aber was die Rumänen mit „OM“ abgeliefert haben ist absolut umwerfend! Es ist lange her, seit dem ich ein so beeindruckendes Album aus dem Dunstkreis des Black Metal gehört habe, und man möge es mir verzeihen, dass ich dieses Review erst ein paar Monate nach der Veröffentlichung schreibe. Um aber auf so ein Meisterwerk hinzuweisen, kann es NIE zu spät sein!

Negura Bunget haben auf „OM“ elf Stücke verewigt, was den Zugang im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger mit seinen vier Songs vereinfacht, denn die Songs klingen dadurch etwas kompakter, auch wenn teilweise immer noch die 10-Minuten-Marke überschritten wird. Der nach einem Intro erste Song „Tesarul De Lumini“ ist eine perfekte Verschmelzung aus harten Black Metal Parts mit geradezu sehnsüchtig melancholischen, sich immer wieder wiederholenden Gitarrenmelodien und Keyboardteppichen – es ist fast unbeschreiblich wie intensiv, geradezu tranceartig die dadurch entstehende Atmosphäre ist! Negura Bunget schaffen es, eine Atmosphäre aufzubauen, die mich von der Intensität her an Meilensteine wie „Heart of the Ages“ von In the Woods... oder „Bergtatt“ von Ulver denken lässt, und ich bin mir sicher, dass ich dabei nicht zu schwärmerisch bin! Denn zwischen all den derzeitigen Klonen und Klonesklonon ist hier wirklich etwas einmaliges erschaffen worden, das seinesgleichen sucht! Beim anschließenden Instrumental „Primul Om“ hat man dann das Gefühl, durch die nebelverhangenen Berge Transilvaniens zu wandern, wo man dann eine von Menschen verlassene Ziegenherde trifft, die einen mit dem geheimnisvollen Läuten ihrer Glocken noch tiefer in die Berge lockt. Im vierten Stück „Cunoasterea Tãcutã“ wird dann viel mit dem von den Liveshows gut bekannten hölzernen Schlagbrett und Flöten gearbeitet, was hier perfekt funktioniert. Ein Wort, welches ich beim ersten Song schon verwendet habe, passt hier auch wunderbar, und zwar „Sehnsucht“ – man muss nicht unbedingt verstehen, was hier gesungen wird, aber durch das „wie“ ist es mehr als offensichtlich. Die rauen Black Metal Wurzeln der Band werden dann in den Songs „Inarborat“ und „De Piatrã“ nochmals ganz freigelegt, wobei auch hier die atmosphärischen Elemente nicht zu kurz kommen. „Hora Soarelui“ ist dann ein Song, bei dem das folkloristische Element der Band besonders stark hervortritt, welches gegen Ende des Stückes dann wieder zugunsten der metallischen Instrumente weicht. Ein kurzes Outro schließt dann diese 67minütige Reise in die Welt von Negura Bunget ab, und jedes mal, wenn ich dieses Outro höre bin ich mir sicher, noch mehr Details auf dieser Platte entdeckt zu haben und meine Faszination für „OM“ ist noch ein Stück gewachsen.

Hinter dem Titel „Inarborat“ versteckt sich übrigens der Song „Wordless Knowledge“ von der 2005er „Inarborat Kosmos“ Mini-CD. Hier merkt man deutlich, wie sehr sich Negura Bunget in produktionstechnischer Hinsicht verbessert haben (beide Scheiben haben sie im Alleingang produziert), denn erst auf „OM“ entfaltet dieser Song sein volles Potential!

Auf dieser Platte passt einfach alles! Geniale, sowohl eingängige wie auch teilweise sehr unkonventionelle Riffs und Melodien, die perfekt eingearbeiteten stilfremden Instrumente, ein emotionsgeladener Gesang und eine einnehmende Atmosphäre, wie sie nur von Ausnahmebands erschaffen werden kann. Und Negura Bunget ist so eine!

7/7 Punkten von: Stefan Brume

vaporeuse, rythme lancinant, voix black portée par le vent. Atmosphère envoûtante et mystérieuse, Negura Bunget nous délivre un black métal atmosphérique de premier choix. Écouter Om, c’est un peu comme inspirer profondément puis plonger à l’intérieur d’un univers, comme on plonge la tête sous l’eau. L’album débute avec l’atmosphérique et inquiétant "Ceasuri Rele", qui s’occupe de poser les fondements d’un monde qu’on ne quittera plus jusqu’à "Al Doilea Om", le dernier morceau de l’album. Très peu de surprises donc, et c’est ce qui fait peut être le plus gros défaut de cet album. Peu de surprises, mais également peu de temps pour souffler. L’atmosphère assez sinistre, tantôt violente, tantôt mélancolique nous laisse comme en apnée tout le long de l’album. Il arrive que de drôles d’instruments vienne s’ajouter à l’ensemble, comme dans le très beau début d’"Inarborat" où une sorte de corne de brume donne une touche assez douce et planante. Les vocaux sont bien typés black, mais se font parfois plus éthérés. Il arrive même qu’un chant clair et solennel leurs donnent la réplique, comme dans le magnifique "Conoa Terea T?cut?". Les guitares ne font pas dans les fioritures implacable et froides, elles s’intègrent parfaitement dans cet univers déjà violent et magique. Le rythme devient plus tribal, au fur et à mesure que l’on « plonge » plus en avant dans l’album. Le clavier atmosphérique accentue alors l’inquiétude et l’aspect « mystique » de la musique. Aucun répits donc, les morceaux ambiants et parties atmosphériques qu’on trouve judicieusement ici et là contribuent encore et encore à surligner ce sentiment d’oppression qui nous envahis petit à petit. Reste que l’ensemble est peut être un peu trop uniforme, ce qui est un peu dommage. On attend la surprise, le sursaut tout le long de l’album, une « baffe » qui ne viendra pas, tout les titres s’enchaînant dans une continuité un peu lassante au final. Om est un très bon album qui ravira les fans du genre, mais qui manque cependant d’un peu de piment. Une linéarité qui porte préjudice à de très bon morceaux pourtant efficaces et gorgés d’émotions. 7/10
finally.. metalstorm:cool:

Some bands are truly mesmerizing by their level of creativity. The Romanian combo known as Negura Bunget is one of them. Their unique blend of Black Metal has so many layers that it is hard to categorize them into only one style. As my first encounter with the band, 2006's "OM" truly convinced me of Negura Bunget abilities and it also encouraged me to look further into their discography.

Let's get down to it; "OM" is nothing short of a masterpiece. And while the word is throw out lightly nowadays, "OM" is indeed a fantastic piece of art. Only a few bands managed to surprise me that much on a first spin, among which Opeth and Agalloch. But Negura Bunget did it and the more I listen to it, the more I understand why. The exotic feeling crafted by the lyrics in their native tongue is another element of the enigmatic atmospheres that transcends this album into a profound journey into your own psyche. This could be categorized as Atmospheric Black Metal or Folk Black Metal, but that does not matter much. The Romanian trio really brought something special to life with this record. Acoustic guitars, sound effects, bells, chants, spiritual passages and raw BM moments intersect throughout the album, with transcending keyboard atmospheres and hypnotic guitar lines keeping the pace of the tracks.

Negura Bunget already has a solid fan base; "OM" can only bring more people into the light. A divine album with a unique style and its own trademark, "OM" is one of 2006's best efforts for sure. Any fan of atmospheric Metal with any taste in Black Metal can get "OM" blindfolded. As for the others, give it a try, you might be surprised.
Demonic Tutor

Posledný album Negury Bunget možno nazvať umeleckým dielom. Nie je to len hudba, je to epická cesta do minulosti, do krajov dávno minulých, do bájnej Transilvánie. Poskytuje veľmi silný zážitok, ktorý vyráža dych a navodzuje človeku zimomriavky.

Hudba, ktorú tento rumunský spolok prezentuje už od počiatku získala status kultovosti. Už je to myslím 12 rokov, čo táto kapela vznikla a neustále napreduje. Navodzuje sa mi však myšlienka, či slovo „napreduje“ nie je slabé pre ich zatiaľ posledný album „Om“.

Negura Bunget, v preklade tmavý, hustý les. Už názov zrejme napovedá, čo kapelu ovplyvňuje a čo sa snaží prezentovať svojou hudbou. Atmosféra albumu vypovedá o príbehu z čias, kedy človek žil v súľade s prírodou, opisuje starobylé duchovno, predkov a vieru, vieru v silu prírody. Toto všetko sa snaží Negura Bunget podať svojským a doposiaľ nevýdaným spôsobom. Naberiem odvahu a dovolím si povedať, že prelomovým, ale obávam sa, že tento album sa mi vryl do srdca tak hlboko, že strácam na objektivite. Napriek nespočetnému množstvu posluchov od doby vydania mi má stále čo povedať. Ale pekne poporiadku ...

Om je balík emócií, plný surovosti a na druhej strane jemnej krásy. Vypočujete si smutné ódy, atmosferické pasáže a black metal plný hnevu a surovosti. Všetko je podané veľmi presvedčivo. Kontrastovosť je základný element, na ktorom tento album stavia. Klávesy (ktoré sú jednou z dominánt albumu) skvele navodzujú atmosféru, sú dopĺňané o perkusie, folkové nástroje, čistý vokál a zaujímavé krištalické gitarové vybrnkávačky. Toto všetko vás dostane do stavu blaženosti, z ktorého vás preberie rýchla zmena tempa a Black Metal v podaní Negury Bunget. Album vzápäti dostáva nový rozmer, ktorý obohacuje aj rumunština, prostredníctvom ktorej prednášajú svoje posolstvo. Rumuni upustili od angličtiny z predchádzajúceho počinu Inarborat Kosmos a podľa mňa spravili dobre. Rumunština dodáva ich tvorbe osobitý punc originality a tajomnosti.

Každý element je dôležitý a dokopy tvoria jeden kompaktný celok. Ako každý príbeh, aj tento nemožno preskočiť, vynechať jeho časť a počúvať len úseky. Album Om si treba vypočuť od začiatku do konca a nasiaknuť, vdýchnuť jeho atmosféru. Žiadny song by nemal byť preskočený, žiadna pasហurýchlená. Všetko má svoje miesto, dopomáha dotvárať pribeh. Cítite úctu a zároveň akúsi hrôzu a úzkosť, ktorá vás prinúti vypočuť si ho dokonca a potom si ho pustiť znovu a znovu. ڞasný doping.

Om je proste dychvyrážajúci, rovnako ako vystúpenie kapely, ktoré som mal možnosť zažiť v Trenčíne a bolo mi veľkou cťou. Novým albumom zašli Negura Bunget tam, kam nikto predtým a predbehli o míle konkurenciu vo svojom žánri. Je to jeden z najlepších albumov aké som kedy počul a možno aj budem kedy počuť. Rozmýšľam, či 100% bude stačiť, ale žiaľ stupnica viac nedovoľuje.

Autor, Hodnotenie
Moje hodnotenie: 100%

Pozitíva: neuveriteľná atmosféra, originalita, znovupočúvateľnosť, vizuálna stránka albumu
Negatíva: nič :)
from :

Negura Bunget
Code 666

: Valoración : 9.5 :
: Redactado por Taurux :
: Fecha de publicación 29-06-2008 :

Increíble este quinto trabajo de los rumanos Negura Bunget, tres años después de la salida de “'N Crugu Bradului”. Estamos ante uno de los mejores lanzamientos de 2006, y quizás el mejor de lo que nos dejó este año en la escena del black metal, por mucho que algunos de los más puristas no se atrevan a reconocerlo.

Y es que este último álbum de Negura es una obra maestra del black metal en su rama más ambiental y retorcida posible, y, aunque sus anteriores trabajos no se quedan cortos, “Om” parece haber colocado el listón más alto de su carrera musical hasta ahora, y no es otra cosa que su originalidad y personalidad lo que les ha llevado a esta cumbre, a la vez que consolida al grupo como uno de los más grandes de la escena.

Pues bien, entrando ya en materia, “Om” es un trabajo mucho más sereno que sus discos anteriores, plagado de elementos ambientales y paganos (inclusión de instrumentos de la tierra y la inclusión de sus cada vez más omnipresentes teclados), acompañados de retorcidos riffs de guitarra y espontáneas voces limpias. Aunque no por ello han perdido su cara más agresiva, si no que es frecuente la introducción de riffs rápidos y técnicos, aunque como ya he dicho, de forma más general, el disco se caracteriza por su serenidad y oscuridad, a veces parece rozar otros estilos como el doom, y algunas de sus canciones, a modo de interludio, nos recuerdan su cara más pagana y folk. Y son estos elementos los que hacen que este disco emane oscuridad y paganismo, a la vez que parece trasladarte a su tierra natal, a la mente de los propios Negura, a su propio estado anímico y mental, creando un aura indescriptible y única: pura profundidad. Son estos elementos los que hacen que este álbum pueda codearse con los más prestigiosos titulos del black metal, e incluso superar a muchos de ellos; nada tiene que envidiar a los discos que han encumbrado al estilo.

Nada más empezar, la intro “Ceasuri Rele” anuncia lo que será el álbum, atmósferas retorcidas en estado puro, que continúa con el primer corte del disco: “Ţesarul De Lumini”, una cancion sencilla y muy profunda, quizás de las mejores que tiene la banda. Canciones como “Conoaș Terea Tăcută”, “Dedesuptul” (de las mejores canciones del disco) o “De Piatr㔠ponen la cara más agresiva del disco. “Primul Om”, “Nurilor” y “Al Doilea Om” son los cortes instrumentales a modo de interludio ya citados, salvo por el último, que finaliza el disco.

Muy recomendable el formato Digipack, que incluye un dvd bastante completo: entrevista a dos de los miembros, clips de algunas de sus canciones (Vazduh, Norilor y Cunoasterea Tacuta), grabaciones en directo de canciones como III, o Wordless Knowledge, además de alguna que otra imagen en slide.

Además, el libreto y la carátula en sí esta repleta de dibujos e imágenes paranoicas y acordes con la ideología y música del grupo.

Pues lo dicho, un grandisimo grupo donde los haya, de los más “en forma” del momento, y que debemos seguir en un futuro. Hasta la fecha, su originalidad ha puesto a prueba al estilo. Y para los que no les convenza este grupo: si Darkthrone, Mayhem o Burzum son grupos cojonudos por su “profundidad”,(ojo, sin despreciar…bueno, a Burzum tal vez…) Negura Bunget es sentimiento y profundidad en su estado más puro y elemental.
From, the ultimate progressive rock music website

5/5 This is another masterpiece in the progressive-black-metal subgenre.

It's amazing that a genre that started with so low standards for musicianship (black metal) has spurred a sub-genre of such an outstanding level of quality. Norwegian black metal was meant to be the most painful experience for the ear, with its high-guttural vocals, its lightning-fast tremolo picking, its deliberately-atrocious recordings, its inhuman blast beats and the super-low tuning of the instruments. But somehow there were a few bands that managed to shine through the chaos, like IMMORTAL or EMPEROR. And it's from the seed of this bands that other musicians decided to build a whole new thing around the basic ideas of the classics of the genre. Eventually, ENSLAVED evolved into a great progressive band, Ihsahn from EMPEROR started two side projects, both of high progressive content. Finally, the influence has stopped being exclusively from Norway, and Romania has given us one of the most daring yet most true-to-roots progressive black metal bands around: NEGURA BUNGET.

If I said in my review of ENSLAVED's “Isa” that said album was much more black than IHSANH's “The Anniversary”, now I have to say the same about "Om", the latest opus from NEGURA BUNGET. We have a little more fast sections here, we get a lot more growling vocals (probably 80% of the disc), and, to add to the black flavor, the recording is rawer, less-polished than in either of the other bands' reviewed records. The sound of “Om” at times borders on the unintelligible, very much in the true spirit of traditional Norwegian black metal.

Such a recording would be detrimental in other kinds of music but here, somehow, it works. When NEGURA BUNGET is not blasting away with massive violence, they build enormous walls of sound with texture after texture, using keyboards and instruments like the panpipe to create a truly depressive, dark, ominous atmosphere that really belongs in the most obscure areas of the mind. When the music is not fast, it is slow, very slow, moody, and very sedative. It makes one feel insecure, as the keys the band chooses and the harmonies they prefer are always very effective in producing unrest and utter lack of hope. As with ENSLAVED, but much more so here, the music has a distinct post metal sound to it. I would venture myself to say that, were it not for songs like “Inaborat”, which has plenty of sections of pure black-metal evilness, this album would very perfectly fit in the same genre as recordings by AGALLOCH, NEUROSIS or PELICAN. But whereas in albums by those bands music can get a little tedious at times due to lack of variation, in “Om” the healthy diversity of tempos and moods make the experience a completely manageable one.

The individual skills of the members of the band are evident, yet never in-your-face. This is not a band that allows for unnecessary displays of virtuosity. What is more important for NEGURA BUNGET is the sound of the ensemble as a whole, as one big integral unit. One never leaves this album with a very high impression of any particular musician in the band, but one always does with an excellent impression of the art of the group. None shines here except for the band. As with most black metal outfits, the members have chosen not to put in the booklet their real names; instead, they use pseudonyms, fantastic names, probably taken from the black arts or stories of demons and witchcraft. And there's no need to know their individual names. They are one big thing. What we know is that NEGURA BUNGET plays some of the most original type of metal around.

It takes quite a few tries to get a real picture of “Om”. The long songs, the instrumental-only passages full of dissonance and perverted noises, the erratic structures and the lack of catchiness don't make for an easy first listen. But after a few sessions the magic of the album starts to become apparent, till in the end it is a devastating, definitive fact.

A masterpiece of progressive-metal, I give it 4.5 stars. But to follow tradition, and as I'm sure the next listen will be even better, I round the rating up to a 5.

Get “Om”. Now. And be ready to immerse yourself into a magnificent world of dark, evil music.