Neosis: futuristic (?) technical metal

Quick story: I remember when I got "Fight" - their first CD - I listened to it and was really diggin' everything.
For whatever reason - I let the CD play after the last song was finished - and to my surprise I heard a hidden track.
At this time - hidden tracks weren't very common.
This particular tune had no bass in it what-so-ever. I wondered why it sounded the way it did.
But then I started experimenting with it ... adding bass here, lowering the mid-high freq's there, etc.
I ended up loving that song ... maybe because I could (kind of) manipulate the tone of the tune.

Not suggesting this is the same story with this group; but I do dig their tone a little bit.
It's definitely not your garden variety type of stuff ... and that can be fun from time to time (IMHO).

Thanks for the introduction to them.
Take care

I am really digging the production, music is boring the shit out of me though. Musically it's just a really really shitty periphery/meshuggah impression, a REALLY REALLY shitty one.

I still think that this whole machine-like atmosphere has already been literally perfected. Meshuggah - Catch Thirty-Three will never be beaten at its own game.

They sound more like Etna than Sybreed imo

Most definitely. Though nobody knows Etna, unfortunately. I think I started a thread about them once.

OT, but can't wait for them to release their album! They're called something else now, Breach The Void.
The guitar tone doesn't bother me too much. I think there's a couple little cool things going on at times in that song (mostly background guitar textures), but an awful lot of it is pretty boring (and I love Meshuggah, so it's not because of the djent). The lack of low end, and the thinness of the drum sound is by far what bothers me most. And I really don't think it's entirely "supposed" to sound that way, as in an experienced engineer distinctly chose to make the mix sound that way...I think it's more a case of a guy doing the best he can, and there being some significant shortcomings in the finished result.
When I heard a few seconds of this, I was thinking that this had some kind of old radio, lo fi, telephone effect in the begining. But I was wrong and the mix sucks donkey balls:Puke: