Metal as fuck
This is correct. The weather in Sydney at the moment is nuts. All my vegies and stuff think it's gone back to winter and won't flower.
All our tomatoes before this curren crop died from the fost aswell. Our onions have bulbs that won't open because the sun isn't out long enough. Birds keep coming and taking our strawberries none of the bird scarers seem to work.Still waiting for our ubundent potato crop to flower.
... the bloody dog knocked the flowers off the passionfruit vine.
Dän;6739812 said:well downer's dropped out, Costello's gone and I would go for Abbott because he runs the same agenda as Howard. Downer will never amount to leader because of what you mentioned, even though he is great at what he does; in my studies Ive come across numerous speeches and publications by him on international relations and they are spot on, even though people like you wouldn't know. The future of the economy was in Costello, he was the architect behind Ir reforms and knows his shit, I wanted him. Now im with Nelson because he's more conservative and Turnbull, who is a knob.
If the next election were between Krudd boy and Turbull Id vote a 3rd party, most probably one nation or something.