Nerdification of the Metal Nation


Born to Murder the World
May 23, 2002
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Falconsbane's latest column recounting the grim tale of metal slipping back into the murky bogs of hippie rock from which it emerged had me wondering what could be the cause of that loss of impetus. Bands which play metal music yet share none of metal's spiritual standpoints, opting instead for those impotent, sentimental, pseudo-despondent and moralistic modes of expression which are the "easy way out" for those who live in modern mainstream Western society and would like to fancy themselves to be thinking humans, these bands receive praise instead of being ridiculed all the way to oblivion. This is a sure indication that the fanbase itself has fundamentally changed - and there are few more obvious telltale signs for this transformation than the fact that too many metalheads today are, simply put, nerds.

People who are uncomfortable in social situations, are considered quirky and somewhat odd by their surroundings, and are given to uncontrollable drooling the first time they go online and discover that a thing such as "metal chicks" actually exists. You can see it on message boards, where many freely admit to being such. You can see it in metal gigs too - around here, every gig you go to is bound to contain at least one large group of fans who belong to what has come to be called "the local internet metal scene", chiefly comprised of an immensely crowded message board on which sexually frustrated, bepimpled (© Satyr) male teens try to impress female, slut-wannabe teens who got into metal when they were tired of grunge, mallcore and "Israeli rock". Not surprisingly, their favorites among the local bands are Salem (a ridiculously overrated band with mediocre songwriting mired between half-assed aggression and boring, uninspired melody; their claim to fame is that Euronymous was once photographed wearing one of their t-shirts, and their lyrics veer between sappy, quasi-goth sentimentalism and "political awareness" songs which read like governmental propaganda), and Orphaned Land (a band which mixes run-of-the-mill melodic doomdeath with middle-eastern music, and which openly espouses Judaism). They obsessively take pictures of each other with digital cameras and are often found approaching members of the other sex and introducing themselves as "Hi, I'm ______ from the forum".

This is indicative of the whole. Metalheads used to be outcasts out of choice - they were free-thinkers who were aware of the world and disgusted with the way it was operating, choosing to eschew acceptance along with mainstream modes of thought. Nerd-metalheads are outcasts not out of choice; they are because they have always been such. Nerdiness is characterized by lack of social awareness, and thus, within even the most intelligent nerd is hidden the desire to be normal, despite the fact that they might listen to music which started out with the single raison d'etre of challenging what is 'normal'. They will shun long hair, for example, not because they don't like the look of it themselves or because they feel it's uncomfortable (both legitimate reasons), but because "the fact that you listen to metal doesn't mean you have to look different" (a.k.a. "it would be harder for me to get chicks if I grow my hair"). They will ridicule artists who seem too extremely devoted to an occultic practice, to an extreme ideology, or to unaccepted stances and activities, because "face it, you aren't gonna change the world". They will be the ones who claim that music has nothing to do with culture or ideology. They are the ones who wish to be accepted as normal, and think that they achieve this by the mere fact that they act like normal young people who belong to some subculture which has something to do with music.

This contributes in heaps to the fact that music which is technically metal, but shares none of its artistic/cultural standpoints and does not challenge or excite the spirit, is accepted as the future of metal. This is why the relatively new subgenres which are Gothenburger-metal, norsecore/fag-goth, and flower-metal (suckifications of death/heavy metal, black metal, and power metal, respectively) are the ones achieving the most stellar success nowadays.

I watched this movie once called "SLC Punk", about the punk scene in Salt Lake City. One of the final scenes of the movie shows the moment in which the two protagonists had gotten into punk in the first place. They're seen as little kids sitting at the table and playing Dungeons and Dragons while listening to Rush. Suddenly one of them says to the other, "You know what, I've had enough of this nerdy crap" (or something to that effect), throws away his D&D dice and plays for his friend the cool new punk tape he's got. His friend says something to the effect of "...but Rush are so technical and have such complex and diverse composition". I don't have a particular affinity for either Rush or punk rock... but that scene seems to summarize the state of metal nowadays, if you just reverse the roles and replace Rush with Opeth.

I actually copied it and paste it from other forum... I think it was an interesting topic.....

you know in my school there are a lot of nerds that wear fucking metal shirts and hear to metal because they hate the world, beacuse they dont have friends or girls, and thats fucking pathetic .... fuck those losers
"You can see it in metal gigs too - around here, every gig you go to is bound to contain at least one large group of fans who belong to what has come to be called "the local internet metal scene", chiefly comprised of an immensely crowded message board on which sexually frustrated, bepimpled (© Satyr) male teens try to impress femaleYou can see it in metal gigs too - around here, every gig you go to is bound to contain at least one large group of fans who belong to what has come to be called "the local internet metal scene", chiefly comprised of an immensely crowded message board on which sexually frustrated, bepimpled (© Satyr) male teens try to impress female..."

um lets see the painfull irony here. he said that on a message board.


what a jackass
I'm a nerd. Albeit I don't drool at the thought of metal chicks (actually most of them are way too skanky for my tastes, notice I said most, not all). I like Role-playing games, also. I really don't give a shit what you perceive metal to be about; I've been listening to it for over 14 years and the reason I liked it was not to be "rebellious" or to make up for a lack of friends (a common misconception about nerds is that they don't have friends) but because I enjoyed the music.

And I 2nd was roach said; you are posting about metal nerds on a message board, which makes you a metal nerd. Fucking hypocrite.
This is the kind of thinking that is ruining metal nowadays, not the "nerds" or whatever.

Can't a person like metal without having an ulterior motive? I look like any average Joe on the street. I have short hair, wear Kenneth Cole sandals, wear Dolce & Gabbana cologne, drive a 2002 Trailblazer, and I have a girlfriend that hates metal. So the fuck what? I bet I know more about metal than most.

Can I not like metal music simply for the music? People today seem to think that anybody that likes metal either:

a) is doing it because it's the "kewl" thing to do
b) is a criminal or drug addict or just plain crazy
c) is listening because they want to "express" themselves
d) had a bad childhood (boo fucking hoo, cry me a fucking river)

It like I can't listen to metal simply because I like it. This argument is similar to the Dimmu Borgir issue. I hate DB. The music is boring, repetitive, and just plain sucks. Yet, for thinking this, I am considered an elitist or that I'm trying to be tr00. God forbid me not like Dimmu for the shitty music they put out.

In closing, I could care less about the "image" of metal, which lots of people seem to be obsessed with. I have a message for you: Nobody fucking cares.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
This is the kind of thinking that is ruining metal nowadays, not the "nerds" or whatever.

Can't a person like metal without having an ulterior motive? I look like any average Joe on the street. I have short hair, wear Kenneth Cole sandals, wear Dolce & Gabbana cologne, drive a 2002 Trailblazer, and I have a girlfriend that hates metal. So the fuck what? I bet I know more about metal than most.

Can I not like metal music simply for the music? People today seem to think that anybody that likes metal either:

a) is doing it because it's the "kewl" thing to do
b) is a criminal or drug addict or just plain crazy
c) is listening because they want to "express" themselves
d) had a bad childhood (boo fucking hoo, cry me a fucking river)

It like I can't listen to metal simply because I like it. This argument is similar to the Dimmu Borgir issue. I hate DB. The music is boring, repetitive, and just plain sucks. Yet, for thinking this, I am considered an elitist or that I'm trying to be tr00. God forbid me not like Dimmu for the shitty music they put out.

In closing, I could care less about the "image" of metal, which lots of people seem to be obsessed with. I have a message for you: Nobody fucking cares.

The people who think metal is some elite club for semi-mortals can go and fuck off.
I am a big nerd.I love reading and I work a lot on my papers(when the subjects are interesting when not I am a fucking slacker) but I also like to drink and go to parties.and I consider myself a metalhead.
I wear my metal t-shirts mostly because those are the only ones I have and the only ones I like
I work in a bank. During the day I treat people with dignity and respect, but at night I put on my metal shirts and cause mass hysteria by running around my neighborhood painting upside down crosses on everyone's front door. I also enjoy bubble baths.
You should kill an animal and make your own clothing from the skin. That is the only way to avoid any fashion mishaps. This also has the added benefit of KILLING something. Getting blood on your hands is a small step in the life of a tr00 metalhead.

Keep it real!!!
Originally posted by npearce
You should kill an animal and make your own clothing from the skin. That is the only way to avoid any fashion mishaps. This also has the added benefit of KILLING something. Getting blood on your hands is a small step in the life of a tr00 metalhead.

Keep it real!!!

On a similar note to "tr00ness",I finished reading that Lords Of Chaos book a few weeks ago.
Does anyone else who read it think the "Inner Circle" was comprised of fucking losers who made up for social inadequacies
by trying to exaggerate their own importance?
Everytime I saw someone in corpse paint talking about satanism,I just cringed.
I have no problem with people being any religion but at least know what you're talking about.
Insahn and Ulver are the only parties in that book who sounded any way intelligent.
I am 16 years old and I love heavy metal. I don't hate the world, I have nothing to rebel against, I don't have problems with girls, I like metal because I like the music itself and for no other reason. I am growing my hair long, Why? Because I like the look. I am sick of standard hair cuts. Do I think it will lessen my chances with chicks? Fuck no I don't and if it did I wouldnt care. I wear my metal shirts to school and everywhere I go because I like them and I like to represent the bands I like. I don't care what other people think.
Originally posted by npearce
You should kill an animal and make your own clothing from the skin. That is the only way to avoid any fashion mishaps. This also has the added benefit of KILLING something. Getting blood on your hands is a small step in the life of a tr00 metalhead.

Keep it real!!!

I cut myself shaving once. Does that count?:confused:
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I cut myself shaving once. Does that count?:confused:

DAMN YOU DREAMLORD!!! You're making a mokery out of my eeevil lifestyle.

Regarding Lords of Chaos: I thought the book was very intersting. I agree with Dreamlord that the inner circle was a bunch of losers. I love all the bands invovled in that early scene, but that whole inner circle thing reminds me too much of being 16 in high school. Oh . . . wait a minute . . . they were all 16 at that time too. Well . . . I didn't burn any churces or kill anybody. I must not have been near as tr00 to SATAN.
Originally posted by TheGraveDigger
I am 16 years old and I love heavy metal. I don't hate the world, I have nothing to rebel against, I don't have problems with girls, I like metal because I like the music itself and for no other reason. I am growing my hair long, Why? Because I like the look. I am sick of standard hair cuts. Do I think it will lessen my chances with chicks? Fuck no I don't and if it did I wouldnt care. I wear my metal shirts to school and everywhere I go because I like them and I like to represent the bands I like. I don't care what other people think.

That's cool . . . I recently let all my body hair grow back.
Lordfireworm said the bit about the Inner Circle, not me. Is your corpse paint getting in your eyes and affecting your reading abilities?