Nergal has Luekemia, this shit is bad.

^ +1

exactly Ashgarth, thank you.... see neverpurify? others on here have the sensitivity to know that you don't joke or make rude comments about some things.

... and it didn't take me being "cool", as you put it, to see that... it only took being a human being who cares about human suffering. even the most "dick headed" people on this forum usually know where to draw the line in that regard, but you didn't... and that's why i commented.

my best wishes to Nergal, his family, Behemoth, and to everyone else who are themselves, or who have loved ones, that are effected by that terrible disease.

thank science it IS treatable.
Best wishes to him, it sounds pretty advanced :(.

On the subject of spamds, my personal opinion does tend to lean towards never purifys in this case. I wasnt going to comment about this at first, but I didnt see any malice in his words myself... and yes I have also been close to/experienced this first hand in my family- we all know what its like, you cant escape the bloody disease these days. Shoot him down by all means, it was out of line, but a ban... not for me. Not that i don't respect the decision for the ban- it was extremely borderline stuff not to be messed with :(.

Oh the joys of being taken the wrong way on the internet :waah:
I lost an aunt to cancer. All forms of cancer are fucked up. We need to stop making women's tits and lips big, and put all that money and effort into curing this bullshit!
Thought it would be leukemia when I read about that he's in hospital and so on...a friend of mine and a relative of mine both had it and as far as I think the will to survive has a huge impact on how big your chances are...

I never listened much to Behemoth, mostly because of the image/message that I thought they'd deliver (havent dug too deep into it thought), but they got my attention with the last CD (great production) + I saw a studio report were they seemed to be quite nice laid back guys.
Hope he gets well, although I think that with a lot kind of cancers (as with leukemia) you can never be sure that it won't come back at some day (if I talk BS please correct me, but that is what I've been told)
i don't care about the lyrics he writes, behemoth could be a christian metal band, i wouldn't care - it's the music that matters (to me), and i LOVE behemoth to death (no pun intended). their stuff is always super high energy imho, live even moreso than in the studio. i haven't seen a band that gave me the same feeling as behemoth.
i just wish nergal all the best!!

let's just keep this off the whole anti-god satanic theme's got nothing to do with his sickness. if that were the case clerics would never get sick. think about it.
I was seriously holding off for a bit here cause I figured James, Jind & Ashgarth had covered just about everything that you SHOULD have realized

but now you're just being a douche

you must still be holding off because I haven't seen you add anything yet other than calling me a douche...again. you seem to be good at calling people names on internet forums. tells a lot about you ;)

I didn't say anything bad. I wished him well and said that somebody shouldn't get banned just for saying some bullshit. had somebody wished death upon justin bieber I doubt they would have been banned and jumped on so quick.
you must still be holding off because I haven't seen you add anything yet other than calling me a douche...again. you seem to be good at calling people names on internet forums. tells a lot about you ;)

I didn't say anything bad. I wished him well and said that somebody shouldn't get banned just for saying some bullshit. had somebody wished death upon justin bieber I doubt they would have been banned and jumped on so quick.

I agree.

Not taking every little thing so damn seriously = much needed around here.

Grammar can go self fuck
Satan will not let one of his biggest fans go on like this! Satan will provide his own bone marrow and make Nergal a titan!!

But seriously ... sucks for him man. While I am not a huge Behemoth fan I do realize the legacy and mark they have left on the industry. THAT i can respect. My uncle and aunt both passed away from leukemia so I know the torment he is going through. The church burning joke in the other thread about this was just that. A joke as well. Just wanted to give my prayers to the fans and thank everyone who has shared their stories with us!
you must still be holding off because I haven't seen you add anything yet other than calling me a douche...again. you seem to be good at calling people names on internet forums. tells a lot about you ;)
and you seem to be good at being smarmy on internet forums... tells alot about you, eh?

that's a game that can be played into infinite regression.

had somebody wished death upon justin bieber I doubt they would have been banned and jumped on so quick.
well, while i wasn't aware that anyone "wished death" upon anyone in this thread, i am directly aware of at least one thread where more than one member here spoke up against someone saying some pretty nasty things about Bieber... but do you mean if he played metal or was a producer and/or was actually possibly dying from a horrible disease??

because if you're saying that a "community" shouldn't care more about it's "own" then you don't understand how society or human nature works. i don't think that's actually the case though, i think you understand perfectly well.. you just seem to want to be deliberately obtuse right now, though for what reason i can't imagine.... but how about this instead: how about we make it about the person who's sick, eh? now there's an idea.

for those of you that think nothing should be said about such comments, and that we should all just have to suffer the gross insensitivity af anyone who cares to spew such nastiness... well you can just hump it on over to GS, UG, or HC because that's not how a community works... if you spout off about the sick and possibly dying, when they've never done anything wrong to you or anyone your know of, then you are a wrong-headed idiot at best, and a sociopath at worst, and the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer you.
C'mon guys, let's not get into an argument here, of all threads. The guy has leukemia - that's terrible by the standards of anyone with a shred of humanity in them, this much should be self-evident. Let's keep this on topic of the fans wishing and hoping for a quick and (relatively) pain free recovery. No doubt the religious nuts will have a field day spewing hypocritical spite, judgment and hate - we really don't need to be adding to the drama.

It's strange thinking that I just saw him perform with Behemoth a mere few months ago. He was really energetic and into it, so it's pretty shocking to hear about this turn of events. It's humbling, realizing that we're all the mercy of the possibility of something like this happening at any point in time.
cmon.. .THIS guy taken down by pussy leukemia?


The only way leukemia could take this guy is if he were gagged and bound by ropes of fire.
Nergal can make it, I know he can