Nergal looks OK

Glad he's doing well. As a two time Bone Marrow Transplant recipient, I can tell you it's not an easy road post transplant, but getting up each day is the reward for the hard times we go through. Hope he continues on with very few issues (we all tend to have to deal with some chronic Graft vs. Host disease, at least if we have an allogeneic transplant (donor marrow/stem cells), some worse than others, but hopefully his is of the minor type.

Register to donate, you may save a strangers life (as my donor has done twice).
Black leather uniform + truckerstache in progress = disturbing resemblance to the village people?

My Polish is a bit rusty...but if I'm not mistaken I believe they're just saying "YMCA" over and over?

But in all seriousness, I'm really glad to see he's ok.