Nergal diagnosed with leukemia

There are a couple songs I find not too bad, but as a whole I find everything they've done very uninteresting and bland death metal. Great live performers, and Inferno is a very talented drummer, doesn't change the fact the music sucks to me.

Pretty funny some guy (meaperson) who admits they don't really look too deep into genres to find good stuff would make a claim that "any self respecting death metal fan should like ZKC".

my initial impression of behemoth was not favorable either... but I bought the freakin' album so I might as well give it a few more spins... well it took honestly a couple of years before I finally went "holy shit this is awesome!" since then I've dug just about every release from them.
I have never really viewed behemoth from a death-metal-only point of view.
I've always thought of them as Blackened Death, even though their latest album is leaning more to the DM side.
And Obviously the first 2 or 3 records were BM.