Nergal diagnosed with leukemia

that's always shitty news. hoping for a good and quick recovery. hopefully his wife will be a match or they'll be able to find one
man that's pretty harsh,I don't rate Behemoth that highly in the grand scheme of things but I don't wish the dude to die...there are way more ppl that deserve to die than a metalhead.I know it was a joke and all but geez.And i don't mean to get all high and mighty.
Well at least if he dies they won't put out any more AWFUL records.

I honestly could'nt give a fuck about this band but now I want them to flourish because I won't be giving a fuck in the least...I just wish this poor bloke a speedy recovery.
Leukemia so advanced that chemo will have no effect... I wouldn't hold out too much hope of any recovery tbh. I wish the guy all the best anyway.