Nergal diagnosed with leukemia

But Nergal has already thoroughly misinterpreted the Bible (based off that article), so he is obviously believes he already knows everything.

I might strongly disagree with Nergal on most things, and not care particularly for Behemoth, but I do not wish debilitating disease on anyone.....or hardly anyone /insert konspirasy participantz.
This is because they are a band that was kult at first, but then became too popular to be kult, so now they are kool to hate.

who exactly thinks it's cool, oh I'm sorry, kool, to hate Behemoth? are you clairvoyant through the internet and able to decipher between a person truly disliking Behemoth (no way!) and someone who is trying to deride a former cult, I did it again, kult band in order to be kool (there we go)?

I am truly curious.
Hope he gets well soon.
And any self respecting death metal fan at least admits that the album "Zos Kia Cultus" is good.
I can understand not liking the recent Behemoth albums, but you have to admit that they are intelligently written, fully developed, fittingly produced, and played by extremely skilled musicians with great passion; even if the end result produced music you have no interest in, you can't really say it "sucks."

I mean, you could deny all that shit, but then you'd just be a fag. A Velocifag.
There are a couple songs I find not too bad, but as a whole I find everything they've done very uninteresting and bland death metal. Great live performers, and Inferno is a very talented drummer, doesn't change the fact the music sucks to me.

Pretty funny some guy (meaperson) who admits they don't really look too deep into genres to find good stuff would make a claim that "any self respecting death metal fan should like ZKC".
I guess I can't argue with bland and uninteresting, those are valid subjective arguments - I don't hold that viewpoint but I can see how you would. I guess I'll drop the argument.

And yeah, ZKC is hardly essential DM.
I saw them open for Morbid Angel a while back, they put on a great show and led me to check out their music and I was pretty disappointed. This was shortly before Demigod came out, didn't know who Behemoth was at that time. I thought ZKC and Satanica and Thelema had a few decent songs between them, but didn't like Demigod at all. Listened to each of the subsequent albums since then and liked each one less.

I still hope Nergal pulls through and the band goes on to tour and such, at least they're a true metal band and don't play some scene garbage. Just really not a band that holds my interest, so the comment that "death metal fans should like them" is pretty silly - especially coming from that guy.