

oh noes itz a opinionn
Oct 15, 2007
Orlando, Florida
I went to see "Wolves in the Throne Room" & "Jesu" tonight. WitTR fucking tore it up. Tremolo picking riff after tremolo picking riff after tremolo picking riff & I fucking loved it. I view Jesu as a sort of poor man's Devin Townsend with different vocals, but everyone else ate it up. To each his own, y' know?

Anyways I got to talk with the guitarists from Wolves. They were both awesome & humble guys. Not dicks in any sense. I told the how they fucking tore it up & I came to see them & they said it really means a lot to them.

I asked the vocalist/guitarist what he listened to & what his influences were. He was going off about Burzum & I told him how I was a fan of Burzum as well. Then he started talking about Neurosis. He told me an album to get by them & for the life of me I can't remember what album he told me to get. The thing was seemed to stress it & now I'm really interested in getting the album as I never got into Neurosis. Any "hypothesis" on which album he was likely to be referring to??
They have about 10 albums of original material, so it could be any one of them since your post doesn't give that much of a clue as to what songs, etc. Maybe a little more information would help since I have the entire Neurosis catalog.

For album titles, here's the list:
Pain of Mind
The Word is Law
Souls At Zero
Enemy of the Sun
Through Silver In Blood
Times of Grace
A Sun That Never Sets
The Eye of Every Storm
Given To the Rising
Neurosis and Jarboe
I don't think Neurosis is a band you can really go wrong with, their whole discog is consistently good as far as I know. Given to the Rising and A Sun that Never Sets are both albums that I'd highly recommend.
I'm getting "Souls at Zero", "Enemy of the Sun", & "Through Silver in Blood". I think the album he mentioned was one of those... :loco: I was really interested in just that one album for now, then I can see where I want to go with their music from there. I guess I will just work on these.

"Wolves in the Throne Room" are a Black Metal band from Olympia Washington... I'm positive that a ton of folks around here have heard them as I hear them being talked about a lot on the internet. My question was really along the lines of "If you were a Black Metal band from Washington what would your favorite Neurosis album be?" or "Which Neurosis album would be best suited as being cited as an influence for a Black Metal style band?" We only talked for a few minutes & unfortunately we didn't go over the intricate details of the album. His face just lit up & he told me "You have to get this album!"

I already know that Neurosis has a lot of albums, most of which are highly respected. I also know that they've changed their sound up a lot. I'm trying to narrow this down the best I can. I think "Souls at Zero" was the album he mentioned but I'm only maybe 50% sure of that.
It was probably "Souls at Zero" or "Enemy of the Sun". Both killer albums. In fact, every Neurosis release is good. The first two are very raw and they were still trying to find their way IMO.

They are killer live too. I try to see them whenever possible.
I like Neurosis but prefer the early stuff.

Pain Of Mind is good crusty hardcore punk, and both The Word As Law and Souls At Zero are excellent ambient metal.
When/where is this free Chicago show? I might as well go.

Anyway, since I enjoyed Oceanic and Panopticon by Isis, and these albums are frequently compared to Neurosis, I'm wondering which albums in particular are similar.

Edit: I found the info. I have a midterm the next day, so I probably will not be there, since I cannot resist going to a bar and not drinking. The show will end really late anyway, and it's not really close to where I live.
Well, I've been listening to "Souls at Zero" & "Through Silver in Blood" & I really like them both. I think I much prefer "Souls at Zero" at the moment, but who knows, I'm just now getting into them.

I will say that I've asked about them at a couple of other boards & the responses on their music was always very positive. I hear all their albums are great & not just from here. I would say (so far) that it's not the kind of music for everyone (of course).

I'm really enjoying them & thanks for the help guys.
Their early hardcore stuff is great. Pain of Mind, and The Word As Law are killer.
Their latest-"Given to the Rising" is just amazing musically, and the atmosphere it creates is brilliant. "Times of Grace" is another phenominal piece of work. It is what it is!!! and you either like them or you don't. Steve Von Till's vocals on GTTR are stupendous, especially on To the Wind.
Bumping this back up because I just started listening to this band. My plan is to work through their discography starting with Pain of Mind. It's a great release and solid crust punk. However, now I'm trying to track down The Word as Law and I can't seem to find like all their other releases. There's a LP of The Word as Law on ebay that's sure to get a high bidding soon, but other than that no one else seems to have it.

Also, for some reason the band did not re-issue this release like all the others. Does anyone know why this is so, or more importantly where I can find a copy of The Word as Law?
It isn't really crust punk, more d-beat hardcore from what I remember.

Anyways, they are one of the few bands around that have not a single bad album to their name.