never mixed metal - advice?

Sep 27, 2012
Hey guys, first time posting, but Ive been snooping around here for a bit now. In the past ive mixed some rock and rap stuff but this is my first jump into mixing metal.

Just looking for some advice on this mix. Its fairly complete but still touching up a few things(the clean vox, and few other things).

A bit of info:

Everything was done in DP 7.
Live drums, with sampled kick and snare blended in
samson drum mics on the kick, snare, and rack toms, 57 on the floor
mxl pencil cond(c11?) in xy
bass was direct
guitars double tracked and blended(large d condenser and a 57)
vocals double tracked and ads both with a large d and 57

My monitoring situation is fairly poor, as Im working off my alesis m1 usb monitors(bleh), and some shure in ear monitors. Im in the process of moving between apartments.


any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

band is kyridion.
Hey Man not bad work for the first attempt , work alittle on the compression & eq frequencys of each instrument
that will allow for instrument seperations with no crossover frequency bleeds that could cause some grief

yea the compressors on the vox especially is very squashed. Never liked using them a ton. does anything pop out at you in a bad way in the low frequency? I think its the gtrs but they have most under 200hz filtered out and the majority of instruments have HPF/LPF accordingly. Im just working on fixing up some of the automation, compression, clean vox pitch and some trouble spots for eq. Am I missing anything big?
Drum volume and sound,route drum to one buss so you can make them louder and work on sound also you leave one guitar in middle,bass sound more string action more compression,vocal is ok.My best advice will be read and try.Cheers

Thanks for the thoughts.

All the drums are bussed down to one track, so thats all set, but I need to get them bigger. Will do on the gtrs and bass. and ill reread through those stickies.

As far as the screams, Im pretty happy with how those came out, especially since I dont record vocals much anyway.
Guitars sound is solid just more post processing,for drum try to apply something from this tut.

The low end is loose as hell. I want to say it's probably the bass guitar muddying it up, but it could be a combination of that and other things as well, like the guitars having too much low mids or something. The drums sound very distant, actually the mix as a whole sounds distant, but there is a lot of unchecked low end energy, so hopefully once that is cleared up, it'll sound more forward.

Also, not that I'm bothered by it, but this is not Metal, this is a Rock-Metal bridge genre known as Post-Hardcore.
Want an easy way out of this mix?
Hipass ur overheads about 600hz or more haha hi shelf up a bit
leave the guitars as their are
duplicate the bass and add a guitar amp plugin with distortion
hi pass and low pass HP 400HZ LP 1500HZ
download THIS
100% replace snare and kick with it
use snare11a for snare and kick11 for kik ... no room just the sample that says Z3 on it
Put a limiter on ur masterbus and smash it hard lower it until the kick and snare pops out just a we bit hahah
there u go hahahaha
The low end is loose as hell. I want to say it's probably the bass guitar muddying it up, but it could be a combination of that and other things as well, like the guitars having too much low mids or something. The drums sound very distant, actually the mix as a whole sounds distant, but there is a lot of unchecked low end energy, so hopefully once that is cleared up, it'll sound more forward.

Also, not that I'm bothered by it, but this is not Metal, this is a Rock-Metal bridge genre known as Post-Hardcore.

figured Id address this separately to possibly get better responses.

1) yes. it is, and i cant quite figure it out. bass it actually fairly thin solo'ed, I have it running through jjp's waves bass processor, with a highpass at ~250hz.

2) guitars also have a filter at ~300hz but theres still some unpleasant thump that seems to pop out around 300-425hz ish. Low end has never been my forte. I can never seem to get it tight like it should be in heavier genres. Any tips/tricks advice would be greatly appreciated.

3) Drums have a touch of verb on the snare and toms, dry OH's and kick(a touch on the sample). I have some notched eq's on some low to lowmids in the guitars, toms, and kick, and I am really struggling to get a more in your face overall quality.

4) Absolutely correct. I think I said metal because its not rock/pop/rap, and fear of over specifying and being nailed on it haha. but yes, post-hardcore.

thanks again for the advice. Keep it coming if anyone has any more
Want an easy way out of this mix?
Hipass ur overheads about 600hz or more haha hi shelf up a bit
leave the guitars as their are
duplicate the bass and add a guitar amp plugin with distortion
hi pass and low pass HP 400HZ LP 1500HZ
download THIS
100% replace snare and kick with it
use snare11a for snare and kick11 for kik ... no room just the sample that says Z3 on it
Put a limiter on ur masterbus and smash it hard lower it until the kick and snare pops out just a we bit hahah
there u go hahahaha

will do. this is on my list first thing in the morning.

as far as compressors and limiters, is a skill to setting the release time? I always seem to have it pump and engage at odd moments. for example, is it more beneficial to try to have the attack/release line up with the timing of the song?