Neverboard Secret Santa '08!!

Cara knew that I like to be very clean in certain spots!


:lol: Hilarious gift, Cara! Hhahah, you are so sweet! Those wet ones are to prevent AIDS! hahahha. The Texas bullshit had me rolling on the floor!
The package arrives; I scrambled that shit like a pedophile!


A new wallet!


And inside...just what I needed!


Another thing I needed! Who couldn't use a fake tit every now and then?


This shirt QFT:


Also, a couple more kewl shirts:



A hat! Is it me?


This will also be extremely useful, haha:


And finally....a freakin IPOD!!!!


(I'm sure I have a relative or two who will fall for it)

All of these things enable me to take the following picture:


Thanks again, Joe! Merry Christmas!!!

Yay! that is too awesome! Shit, you done good Joe! hhahha, love the shocking Ipod!
I got lazy and scrapped the photo story idea...


Har, classy. Lynn, I think?


Wait, what?


Oh, a little halo for my skeleton angel totem thing!

I like this, but now I have to find room for it among my glasses and odd curios it would fit in with. Thanks!
lol I ran out of news paper and knowing how the UPS gorilla's are I just stuffed that in to keep his mellon from damage. Part 2 should be along in a week. It tried to kick my ass but I would'nt let it:)
I inferred from that and Michigan who you were. Why they used an "A," I do not know.

I thought at first you sent me a golf pull cart. As I DO have a golf bag, I found it practical, and unusual, seeing as few people know I do play golf occasionally. (The outer packing is a golf pull cart box, I neglected to keep photos of it.)

Then I thought about the fact that it was probably just a packing medium.
Not old, made in 2005 by a man my father has known for years. Cherry wood, too. He's making me a headphone amp soon as well, tubes and all. Also in cherry.
Dear SS Recipient:

I sent your gift over a week and a half ago, and I apologize if it's late; 'tis the fault of the US Postal Service. I sent a package on the same day to someone half the distance, which arrived in only two days, so I know not why it's taking so long.
Yay me, my gift arrived! I don't even really need to caption any of these pics because they all tell the story, mainly the hilarious letter!

Thanks Russell, you the man!!! I'm gonna watch the movie tonight!

I got admit, this made me a little nervous, like something was going to jump out at me haha



