Neverboard Secret Santa '08!!


- Brooks
- Anvil
- ct_thrash
- ~Lynn~
- Jace_Mereel
- Lunar Still
- Will Bozarth
- Dead_Lioness
- JenniferGentle
- Karmic
- Shpongled
- Liverslapper
- neal
- Nikki
- El Stormo
- WhiteBeastofWotan
- Undefined
- Kvlt Wench
- Morganna
Yay being the only one refusing to join in!

*makes a scrooge face*

Wait, no price limit, send whatever I want?

Tell me how we choose who to send to and I'll join your party, then.
Focus it just on the hat/your hands. It'd be cool to actually be able to witness the random drawing. Not that I don't trust you or anything... I just think it'd be a cool way to let everyone kind of be involved with the actual drawing part. But then again, everyone would know who everyone's secret santa was.

Logically, I think you should draw the names and only tell everyone who their recipient is. NOT who is getting gifts for them. I don't think it should be an exchange. It should be... you draw a name, and then another, and the first person buys for the second, and then draw another name and then second one you drew buys for the 3rd one you drew, and then the last name buys for the first name you drew.
Yeah, the return address is when you finally discover who your secret santa is.

Brooks, scratch the video idea. It takes out the mystery.
Logically, I think you should draw the names and only tell everyone who their recipient is. NOT who is getting gifts for them. I don't think it should be an exchange. It should be... you draw a name, and then another, and the first person buys for the second, and then draw another name and then second one you drew buys for the 3rd one you drew, and then the last name buys for the first name you drew.
Yep, good plan.
Well, for the video thing...Brooks could make a private video for each name drawn, as it's being drawn, and send that video only to the person receiving that name, just as proof. That would be a pain in the ass though :lol:
Well, for the video thing...Brooks could make a private video for each name drawn, as it's being drawn, and send that video only to the person receiving that name, just as proof. That would be a pain in the ass though :lol:

Yes. Yes it would.


- Brooks
- Anvil
- ct_thrash
- ~Lynn~
- Jace_Mereel
- Lunar Still
- Will Bozarth
- Dead_Lioness
- JenniferGentle
- Karmic
- Shpongled
- Liverslapper
- neal
- Nikki
- El Stormo
- WhiteBeastofWotan
- Undefined
- Kvlt Wench
- Morganna
- Captain Beard
wow! list is pretty good! And its all regulars. This could actually be fun. When its done there should be a "Post Pics of your Neverboard Secret Satan Present" thread.

Well I already imagined everyone taking pics of them opening it and showing off what they got :p I thought it was a given but just incase some of you weren't planning on it LISTEN TO MAX!