Nevermore absolutely destroyed the Palladium in Mass. tonight!!!

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
My first time seeing Nevermore live...and it was everything I'd hoped it to be!!!!

The band was fucking incredible. Jeff Loomis is the best guitarist in metal today, hands down. His solo's are just out of this world! Warrel's vocals were perfect even though he was fucked up out of his mind. Van was ALL OVER his kit and really impressed me.

They are SUCH A GOOD LIVE's ridiculous! They're just so heavy. I'm still so pumped up I cant even go to sleep and I'm dead tired.

I dont think I'll be able to see them again, at least for another year or so which really fucking sucks...but man...what a concert!

seven tongues of god
river dragon
never purify
I, voyager

COB were awesome, as well. Alexi is a total show off, but if I were as good as he is, I would be too! They had the crowd rocking...great set but not enough time!

I cant remember what they played exactly but I know they played Needled 24/7, Every time I die, silent night bodom night among others.

Hypocricy were decent but nothing special...

I left after two songs from Dimmu...

pics are at
Good show but WD was too low. They needed to turn him up big time. Couldn't hear him that well. We also need more songs! Please headline!
Dude Nevermore were so great...I was right/center of the stage getting crushed, it was so great.

COB were great too, and I enjoyed Hypocrisy, but damn it the Dimmu set was boring as hell