Nevermore gets 30 min on Gigantour...LAME!


Dark Lord of the Sith
Sep 7, 2002
Tallahassee, FL
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hey guys, whats up. I just read it so I'm hear to bitch and moan. But luckly, if Dave reads his message boards, I'm gonna raise a fucking shit storm because lame Fear factory gets 45 min, and thats fucking GeEEYAyyyyy. Join me of you want. I understand DT getting more time b/c well, they have more clout, but honestly in a fight for who is better, FF can't hold a fucking candle to the nevers.
who cares? theyre playing on the same stage as Megadeth and Dream Theater. this opens up MANY opportunities to show people that they are better than just about every other band on the tour. annnnnnnnnnnnnnd im still going to probably 3 shows :D
well, if you wanna look at it that way...

Megadeth (Black Sabbath) - 90 minutes
Dream Theater (Iron Maiden) - 90 minutes
Fear Factory (Whoever) - 45 minutes
DEP (whoever) - 30 minutes
Nevermore (BLS) - 30 minutes

so, the set times are practically the same... and i heard Iron Maiden isnt doing ozzfest for 90 minutes. just 60. So, any way you look at it, the opening band of the OzzFest mainstage always gets a half hour. and if you wanna look at it at a more interesting way...

Megadeth vs Black Sabbath - Same Sabbath set since the 90s, no change. Megadeth has a new cd. playing old songs, too.

Dream Theater vs Iron Maiden - I don't know much Maiden, but Dream Theater is ALWAYS a good live show.

Fear Factory vs Mudvayne - To tell you the truth, I don't cara bout either... I don't like Mudvayne. never seen Fear Factory live, so i'll have to go with FF

DEP vs Shadows Fall - Meh @ this one

Nevermore vs BLS - Really, now?

Now... a better mainstage for just about half the price of OzzFest... no reason to complain... at all.

Plus, looking at the statistics of people that listen to music... there are more Fear Factory and DEP fans than Nevermore... so it is actually right on the money when it comes to organizing something that way, which is the way to do it.

plus, we all know Nevermore will do a headlining tour eventually... so why not check out this tour, possibly see some songs live that might NOT be on the tour? In 2003, I saw them play Create the Infinite at the BWBK fest. this was NOT played on tour... they only played it at festivals, i believe. not too sure about the Euro tours... i don't recall seeing it in the setlists from them

we may get rarities since this is a very special tour. we may even see White Rabbit, giving the nod to Dave Mustaine. Plus, since it's only a half hour, we may get completely blown away and not see songs we wouldnt want to see.

my 2 cents :)
Slightly off topic...years ago I saw Megadeth open for Iron Maiden on the 7th son of a 7th son tour. Megadeth had just released So Far So Good So What. Yes, it was a while ago, but Megadeth kicked ass live. IRon Maiden was cool, too. Megadeth will be worth watching live.

So, I'm there. I haven't seen Nevermore since DNB and the bald man and wifey-poo need their fix!!!!

No, I don't like DEP, but that's what festivals are for...diversity. Opens up peoples minds (hopefully) to new types of metal. Come to St. Louis and I'm there.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
well, if you wanna look at it that way...

Megadeth (Black Sabbath) - 90 minutes
Dream Theater (Iron Maiden) - 90 minutes
Fear Factory (Whoever) - 45 minutes
DEP (whoever) - 30 minutes
Nevermore (BLS) - 30 minutes

so, the set times are practically the same... and i heard Iron Maiden isnt doing ozzfest for 90 minutes. just 60. So, any way you look at it, the opening band of the OzzFest mainstage always gets a half hour. and if you wanna look at it at a more interesting way...

Megadeth vs Black Sabbath - Same Sabbath set since the 90s, no change. Megadeth has a new cd. playing old songs, too.

Dream Theater vs Iron Maiden - I don't know much Maiden, but Dream Theater is ALWAYS a good live show.

Fear Factory vs Mudvayne - To tell you the truth, I don't cara bout either... I don't like Mudvayne. never seen Fear Factory live, so i'll have to go with FF

DEP vs Shadows Fall - Meh @ this one

Nevermore vs BLS - Really, now?

Now... a better mainstage for just about half the price of OzzFest... no reason to complain... at all.

Plus, looking at the statistics of people that listen to music... there are more Fear Factory and DEP fans than Nevermore... so it is actually right on the money when it comes to organizing something that way, which is the way to do it.

plus, we all know Nevermore will do a headlining tour eventually... so why not check out this tour, possibly see some songs live that might NOT be on the tour? In 2003, I saw them play Create the Infinite at the BWBK fest. this was NOT played on tour... they only played it at festivals, i believe. not too sure about the Euro tours... i don't recall seeing it in the setlists from them

we may get rarities since this is a very special tour. we may even see White Rabbit, giving the nod to Dave Mustaine. Plus, since it's only a half hour, we may get completely blown away and not see songs we wouldnt want to see.

my 2 cents :)

just to point out a few things youve seemed to miss. fear factory was a big heavy mover for industrial metal with that robotic sound, a lot of bands have followed this, making fear factory a lot more influential than mudvayne could ever be.

as far as DEP vs shadows fall, theres a lot of room for debate here, im biased towards shadows fall however. but for the sake of diversity on the gigantour, DEP will get some grindcore fans and some hardcore fans in the place.

while 30 minutes seemingly is a short set, it will open up floodgates for nevermore.
Megadeth vs Black Sabbath - I love BS but I get a little bored after awhile Megadeth wins.
Dream Theater vs Iron Maiden -Not a big DT fan , IRON MAIDEN ALL THE FUCKING WAY.
Fear Factory vs Mudvayne -Seen Mudvayne live and they were boring as shit. Fear Factory all the way.

DEP vs Shadows Fall - FUCK DEP!!! I like SF alot.

Nevermore vs BLS - BLS gets alittle boring , actually really boring. Besides I would love to see River Dragon live or Beyond Within.
Did anybody really expect them to get more than 30 minutes on this tour?
Nevermore is by far the least commercially successful of that lot, and unfortunately that typically decides who gets the short end of the stick on set times.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
Dream Theater vs Iron Maiden - I don't know much Maiden, but Dream Theater is ALWAYS a good live show.
You don't know much about Maiden? You should correct that.

As for comparing them live, it's not even close. I've seen both Maiden and DT twice each. DT is average to boring live. Hell, one of my friends is a DT freak, and even he's grown weary of DT live. Maiden fucking rules live. And I' not a huge Maiden guy. I've actually listened to a lot more Maiden since being absolutely blown away by their live set.

ok Will, and the rest: I decided to explain my views on this upcoming tour.

Remember the days when Megadeth were a band? I mean, a real band, with Friedman and Menza and not just one person who manages this whole circus?
So this big born-again, bible humper, Mustain is now organizing a huge tour, trying to be the next Ozzfest.
so what does he do? He drags the most overrated band of the last decade, Dream Theatre, that doesn’t even understand why metal bands stick to them, because after all, they would have preferred playing with Peter Gabriel or David Bowie, and all this “metal band” label is really not their cup of mineral water.
(well, except Portnoy maybe, that would throw away his career in Dream Theater in a second just to play drums for Overkill or old Metallica)
So who do we have as headliners?
Born again Mega-Dave, that his last album was decent, but not big enough for this whole “GIGANTOUR”
And this “progressive metal” band, oh wait, I’m sorry, “Petrucci and friends”, that try so hard to sound heavy again, so they play riffs that could easily be in the next Limp Biscuit album with the right mix.
Say this is the right way to sound heavy would be as ridiculous as saying Mount Sinai is really in Pakistan.

SO we also have Fear Factory, but lets admit it: even they are not what they used to be, after they kicked the fat latin guy, they squeeze Barton to his last drop of creativity, and he sounds terrible live
(and on the albums they mix his voice so much that it doesn’t matter anyways)
Even Dino is not there, and you know, without Dino its *reallllllllllyyyyy* not the same anymore.
So instead of bringing some good guitar player with some good touch, They decided to let their Bass player play guitar now!
I mean, what a brilliant idea! after all, guitar and bass is the same thing!
*rolls eyes*
But would Fear factory bring a worthy, talented Bass player? No, no!
They brought somebody like Byron from Stapping Young Lads, that no one hears him there anyways.
Hooray for FF!

Now lets talk about the real tragedy here…
Finally a serious band like Nevermore, falls into Dave’s hands.
A band that was one of the biggest things in the past 6 years, and still growing!
A band that crushes Wacken every time they play there, and sound like the heaviest thing in the metal world that uses clean vocals EVER.
Comes Dave Mustain and decides to “cut” their set to 30 minutes! Like Nevermore is some new band in the block, that was just founded in a garage in Seattle and that’s their first tour ever.
I think Dave is still tripping that its 1990 and Nevermore are still Sanctuary.

Now about Dillinger, to me it looks like Dave wanted to add *another extreme metal band* so he can still look cool in the eyes of the fans,
but the real story behind adding Dillinger is because Dave is too old and he probably secretly wants to take nap breaks here and there during the tour,
so, he can always blame the violent Dillinger for “destroying the equipment” .
What he doesn’t know though, is that Dillinger and Nevermore together, can own his entire tour EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

So yeah. This is bullshit my friends, BULLSHIT.

on another note: yes, I'll be there.
Dead_Lioness said:
ok Will, and the rest: I decided to explain my views on this upcoming tour.

Remember the days when Megadeth were a band? I mean, a real band, with Friedman and Menza and not just one person who manages this whole circus?
So this big born-again, bible humper, Mustain is now organizing a huge tour, trying to be the next Ozzfest.
so what does he do? He drags the most overrated band of the last decade, Dream Theatre, that doesn’t even understand why metal bands stick to them, because after all, they would have preferred playing with Peter Gabriel or David Bowie, and all this “metal band” label is really not their cup of mineral water.
(well, except Portnoy maybe, that would throw away his career in Dream Theater in a second just to play drums for Overkill or old Metallica)
So who do we have as headliners?
Born again Mega-Dave, that his last album was decent, but not big enough for this whole “GIGANTOUR”
And this “progressive metal” band, oh wait, I’m sorry, “Petrucci and friends”, that try so hard to sound heavy again, so they play riffs that could easily be in the next Limp Biscuit album with the right mix.
Say this is the right way to sound heavy would be as ridiculous as saying Mount Sinai is really in Pakistan.

SO we also have Fear Factory, but lets admit it: even they are not what they used to be, after they kicked the fat latin guy, they squeeze Barton to his last drop of creativity, and he sounds terrible live
(and on the albums they mix his voice so much that it doesn’t matter anyways)
Even Dino is not there, and you know, without Dino its *reallllllllllyyyyy* not the same anymore.
So instead of bringing some good guitar player with some good touch, They decided to let their Bass player play guitar now!
I mean, what a brilliant idea! after all, guitar and bass is the same thing!
*rolls eyes*
But would Fear factory bring a worthy, talented Bass player? No, no!
They brought somebody like Byron from Stapping Young Lads, that no one hears him there anyways.
Hooray for FF!

Now lets talk about the real tragedy here…
Finally a serious band like Nevermore, falls into Dave’s hands.
A band that was one of the biggest things in the past 6 years, and still growing!
A band that crushes Wacken every time they play there, and sound like the heaviest thing in the metal world that uses clean vocals EVER.
Comes Dave Mustain and decides to “cut” their set to 30 minutes! Like Nevermore is some new band in the block, that was just founded in a garage in Seattle and that’s their first tour ever.
I think Dave is still tripping that its 1990 and Nevermore are still Sanctuary.

Now about Dillinger, to me it looks like Dave wanted to add *another extreme metal band* so he can still look cool in the eyes of the fans,
but the real story behind adding Dillinger is because Dave is too old and he probably secretly wants to take nap breaks here and there during the tour,
so, he can always blame the violent Dillinger for “destroying the equipment” .
What he doesn’t know though, is that Dillinger and Nevermore together, can own his entire tour EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

So yeah. This is bullshit my friends, BULLSHIT.

megadeth has always been a band of lineup changes. even in the great era of rust in peace and coutndown to extinction, that wasnt even really the original megadeth lineup. whats the difference between then and now? dave ellefson. now, while i enjoy ellefsons playing, bass isnt exactly the most crucial element of a band.
and what does his religious beliefs really have to do with any of this? i mean if he was some total sold out fundy asshole, he wouldnt even be sporting the name Megadeth anymore, nor would he have written half the material on "the system has failed" another clear blast at bush in several places. would a fundy do that? nope. and its not like hes being preachy about his shit either like that fagboy that dropped out of korn.

as for fear factory, dino wasnt anything special. christian was originally a guitar player anyway, but moved over to bass so the band would have a bass player. he knew all the material for guitar. so whats the big deal that he took over guitar? archetype was a much better album than their last flop digimortal.

i wouldnt say that having nevermore open was a sign of disrespect. there are several other bands that could have been chosen for this tour, but nevermore is on the bill, which speaks volumes about what dave thinks about them.