Nevermore guitar sound

Tempest said:
(Topic Discussion) Loomis's site has his equipment listed on it, but I doubt it's been updated in a long time. I know he and Steve are endorsed by Digitech effects pedals. Other than that, his site lists PEavy Tripple XXX heads/cabinets, and Line 6 Pod Pro. As for guitars, he used to play a 7 string ESP, now he's with the Schecter, but if your going for the sound, then all you really need to worry about are the Pickups, Active EMGs, 81 in the bridge, 85 in the neck, the standard Metal God pickup setup.

I got a six strin Gibson Les Paul, with active EMG 81's and 85's, and I got a Mesa rectifier in the GT6, but does anybody know what ki8nd of tubescreamer I need? Or maybe some settings or patches for it?

Thanx and cheers!!