Nevermore In Guitar World


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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I just came from the GW forum, the dude who is in charge of metal, is sayin he will check into the band......

This means we may be seeing NEVERMORE in the mag...........

I doubt it, the mag never has REAL talent anymore, but hey,,,i suppose we will wait and see.

what i am about to type may be good, then again it may not, so, here goes.
The guy says he has allready talked to PAT OBRIAN about the band.

As I said,, wait and see.
About Pat Obrian,

I met him and got him to sign my Nevermore and CC stuff. I asked him about what he thought of Nevermore and he said he was very pround of everything he has done, he thinks the band rocks, and he likes the guys, (at least has nothing bad to say about them.) I talked to him for a while, he has no bad feelings, and only good things to say about the music, so I think he would say the same to GW. He then proceeded to tell me how cool I was, and got a picture taken, which I would throw up here had I had a clue how to do it. (new to the forum thing) On a side note, I met Nevermore 7 times, how do I get those pictures on here? Pat seemed to think I was the coolest guy on the planet by the amount of times he told me how cool I was. I like that guy a lot.
Why DID he say that Chuck wouldn't get the cover? I mean, the whole selling magazines by using popular artists rather than using really talented artists is just kind of annoying. Why couldn't they at least split it up like Modern Drummer does? I mean, sometimes its the Blink 182 guy (who lists King Diamond's Them, with Mickey Dee on the drums as one of his favorite CD's. That of course no matter how much I hate Blink 182, I just got a fraction more respect for the drummer.) Anyway, aside from him, they will have people that probably wouldn't just sell the magazine, like recently Mike Portnoy (although you may argue that,) and Rod Morgenstein. At least Morgenstein doesn't sell anything.

What has the world come to when our musician magazines are all about the money too?
Yeah, he also said fuck off and fuck you to a guy...(alan).

I saw where you called him a BITCH, but, you need to goi back and tell him again, he thinks your were "playin". I called him a PUSSY, and a few others.I am GODOFUNHOLYMADESS there.