Nevermore in SF 4/9/06


I'd give my right... fingernail clipping to see TGE live. Did Warrel say any other humorous things?
Bacchante said:
Well, his fly kept coming undone :P

And ugggh...IHOP has ruined my insides :Puke:

Oh goodness, IHOP is an EVIL establishment. Ever since I ate there Saturday I have had zero appetite and even stomach problems.
yea, we went in a group.

Ugh...I haven't eaten in 24 hours...I'm too scared *lol* guts were stinging pretty badly last night. I hope you guys are feeling ok.
Hrm. Denny's or IHOP ? What's the lesser of those two evils ?

I just got there real early and ate at the little pizza place around the corner before the show, so I wasn't at all hungry after. Pizza was only so-so, but filling, and most importantly, not laced with e-coli or salmonella. :p :p

(BTW, any of you south bay people want some good, true NY/NJ style east coast pizza ? Giovannis at the corner of Lawrence and Lakehaven. The best I've discovered in bay area so far.)
I was in Rome recently, all this pizza talk makes me wanna move there!

Pizza....never mind the tofutti, the pizza needs an ode!
Escape From NY is the shit. As is Seniore's if you're on a budget.... Pizza Orgasmica is amazing though expensive...

I like how this thread turned into a Pizza thread!! Especially since after the show, we all went to Nizario's on Geary for pizza ;)
Hehe. Yeh. I had a feeling my pizza comment would derail the thread. Sounds like there's a bunch more pizza places in the Bay Area I'm going to have to check out.

I'm a bit skeptical though, since I'm originally from NJ, I guess I have the admittedly conceited viewpoint that I'm better at judging what is "good pizza" and what is not ;) .

I find typical california pizza to have crust that is bland, bready, and too thick. NJ/NY pizza is typically thinner, and more "doughey". The sauce on CA pizzas is usually one of two varieties: Either bland and tasteless, or so spicy/powerful and dense as to overwhelm all other tastes. It's almost like they use marinara pasta sauce on the pizza instead of pizza sauce. CA style pizza shops also tend to use too much sauce. The sauce style i'm used to is much lighter and fruitier and fresh tomato-ier. I have a theory that CA sauce gets that way 'cause there's not enough water in it or something, just starts out too dense. After baking in a super hot oven, all the mosture boils out and you're left w/ a super thick tomato paste consistancy sauce that's just too spicy/dense (this is particularly true of Round Table Pizza).

Anyway..enough about that. I'm just so happy I found Giovannis. They're originally from NJ so they know the style I like.
The pictards are being developed as we speak.
Hopefully they put the images on a cd for me...or I'll have to take pictures of the pictures with my digital camera :p