Nevermore On Fuse’s Metal Asylum, 8/30/05

i saw it on tv tonight, the interview and video were cool, but sitting through ads and black daihlia murder and disturbed videos sucked. i think juliya's pretty hot but she fucking annoying and stupid
guitarguru777 said:
Heres the audio version....

Now before listening to this know a few things....

1. Julia is a moron she knows nothing about this band and its OBVIOUS.
2. She says RIGHT ON ... way to much just to sound cool
3. Steve didnt say anything (what a homo :p)
4. She asks BORING questions.

Warrel is his usual witty smart ass self. that alone is worth the listen :)

The audio quality blows cause i dont have an audio out on my TV, so i just stuck the mic in front of the speaker so it sounds like ass. I Eqed it a bit and added some mastering compression so it sounds ALOT better than it did originally.

If any of you fuckers say they SOLD OUT... ill kick your ass. This is MUCH needed promotion for the Leaders of the U.S. Metal movement.....

Hope you enjoy it

Da Fukn Guru

Thanks alot for the file guru. :) :hotjump:
guitarguru777 said:
Heres the audio version....

Now before listening to this know a few things....

1. Julia is a moron she knows nothing about this band and its OBVIOUS.
2. She says RIGHT ON ... way to much just to sound cool
3. Steve didnt say anything (what a homo :p)
4. She asks BORING questions.

Warrel is his usual witty smart ass self. that alone is worth the listen :)

The audio quality blows cause i dont have an audio out on my TV, so i just stuck the mic in front of the speaker so it sounds like ass. I Eqed it a bit and added some mastering compression so it sounds ALOT better than it did originally.

If any of you fuckers say they SOLD OUT... ill kick your ass. This is MUCH needed promotion for the Leaders of the U.S. Metal movement.....

Hope you enjoy it

Da Fukn Guru

they totally sold out. I can't listen to my nevermore CDs anymore. I guess that kid down the street with the baggy pants and the linkin park hoodie will appreicate them more than I do now. I should donate them to him.
Who .... like you ...:p

Then everyone would say YOU sold out too ... ha ha ha ha

Thats why no REAL metal guy or gal will do it. Cause they just play SHIT music. Im AMAZED they played Nevermore when the I Voyager vid came out....

Century media finaly realised that nevermore WERE THAT DAMNED GOOD.... Its about friggin time

Da Fukn Guru
replicated said:
I agree. I think most people have a natural tendancy to see her as being somewhat hot due to the fact that she is a "metal chick." I personally think she looks skanky. :hotjump:

bingo was his name-o.

She's knappy. and how she she's a supermodel, w hen she's clearly a fat lard cinched up in a disgusting.





she's goodlooking, it's another thing she doesn't know anything about metal.... (and sounds ignorant I must add...) *shrugs*
Well she's got a nice body and not a bad face. That tattoo is just about the worst tattoo ever though.
And the download doesn't start for me.

Actually I couldn't download it before and now it says I've used my hourly upload or whatever...
replicated said:
Julya is a retard. They should replace her with someone who actually knows something more about metal than that nu-metal/hardcore shit. :hotjump:
she doesnt even know about hardcore and nu.When she first came on the tv she was a fan of black sabbath and Guns n roses.They should kick her stupid ass out of tv