Nevermore on Southpark


May 25, 2004
Vancouver Island
I was watching Southpark last night, the one where Stan and Wendy breakup and then Stan is all depressed so he starts hanging out with goth kids and dresses in all black. For the duration of his goth phase, Stan is wearing a Nevermore shirt! I was like whoa! I dont know if anyone else spotted that, but I thought I should bring it up.
yeh those goths are funny. i like when they show up again in the 'you got served' episode and show stan how to dance like a goth... i like that song they're listening to.
If someone gave me an Season and Episode number i could screen capture it (I have all the southparks via a wonderful torrent technology)...

Edit: OR even an episode name.

Not easy to read, but yes, it is indeed a nevermore shirt. But its not in reference to the band, but to edgar allen poe it seems...
EricT said:

Not easy to read, but yes, it is indeed a nevermore shirt. But its not in reference to the band, but to edgar allen poe it seems...
actually if you look closely you can see that the second E in Nevermore is backward, just like their logo, so it seems it is a reference to the band as well
Dead_Lioness said:
^ Its definitely a reference to the band, and I'm not surprised the South Park guys have good taste :)

Maybe they do have good taste... but considering they put the nevermore shirt in with the whiney goth kids, maybe they dont like nevermore?