Nevermore on Southpark

neal said:
yeh those goths are funny. i like when they show up again in the 'you got served' episode and show stan how to dance like a goth... i like that song they're listening to.
seriously, does anyone know if thats a real song? i know sometimes they license music and sometimes they make their own so i dunno......if it is real the vocals probably ruin it though....
Captain Beard said:
You find Alexi Laiho agreeable and possibly even appreciate his modernized and washed out bubblegum metal pop music style. You are not welcome here.
Who said I was a COB fanboy? im pretty sure i've explained my username several times, your just making your self out to be a generalizing prick with shit like that.

Im a bigger fan of nevermore than i ever was with COB the ony one i respect in it is Janne.
i would have either said that this is Adolf H.


look at the beard!!!