Nevermore s/t

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
I've asked this before but don't think I got an answer, or I just forgot because i'm a moron.
In the booklet for Nevermore's s/t, Van is wearinga shirt with some sort of stretched out face on it. I can't figure out what it is. I think maybe it's Arch Enemy's Black Earth album cover, but i'm not entirely sure.
Can anyone help me out here?
sorry i can' help there but, did you ever notice that pendant warrel wears on the pic in the booklet. he wears the same thing the ITMB booklet and i saw it on a pic from 2001...that thing must have a history :)
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
sorry i can' help there but, did you ever notice that pendant warrel wears on the pic in the booklet. he wears the same thing the ITMB booklet and i saw it on a pic from 2001...that thing must have a history :)

yah that pendant thing must have been with him for a while. how old was he whe nhe ITMB? like 20? maybe alittle earlier. and now hes like 35 or something. how the hell do you have something so small and not lose it when you've been travellling for 15 years? I'd probably lose everything i own eventually.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth

yah that pendant thing must have been with him for a while. how old was he whe nhe ITMB? like 20? maybe alittle earlier. and now hes like 35 or something. how the hell do you have something so small and not lose it when you've been travellling for 15 years? I'd probably lose everything i own eventually.

he owns it 15 years or something, i would have lost about 10 times :grin: even lose my socks from time to time
trapped could be right im not sure, all i do know is that its NOT from black earth. arch enemy doesnt even have a black earth shirt im pretty sure.