1999: On tour with Sacred Steel, Nocturnal Rites and Lefay. March '99.
1999: Dynamo Open Air/ Eindhoven/ Holland/ 22nd of May
1999: Metalfest/ Geel- Belgium
2001: Annihilator-Nevermore-Soilwork/ Vosselaar-Belgium/ 23rd of Februari
2001: Annihilator-Nevermore-Soilwork/Helmond-Holland/ 25th of Februari
2001: Graspop Metal Meeting/ Dessel-Belgium/ 22nd of June
2001: Eurorock/ Neerpelt- Belgium/ 5th of August
2001: Metal Odyssey Tour/ Susperia-Lacuna Coil-Nevermore-In Flames-Dimmu Borgir
(went twice - thank you Jim! - unfortunately Nevermore had to cancel the show in Antwerpen)
2002: Bang Your Head Festival/ Balingen-Germany/ 29th of June
2003: Arch Enemy-Nevermore/ Antwerpen-Belgium/ 27th of September
2003: Nevermore-Arch Enemy/ Tilburg-Holland/ 30th of September
2004: Waldrock Festival/ Burgum-Holland/ 19th of June
2005: Nevermore/ London-England -Thank you Fozzy Ad!-/ 18th of March
2005: Nevermore/ Tilburg-Holland/ 16th of September
2005: Nevermore/ Haarlem-Holland/ 18th of September
2010: Nevermore- Death Angel- Cauldron / Vosselaar- Belgium/ 16th of May
2010: Nevermore- Death Angel- Cauldron/ Uden- Holland/ 19th of May
2011: Power of Metal tour/ Symphony X- Nevermore- Psychotic Waltz- Mercenary- Thaurorod/ The Trix- Belgium/ 27th of Februari
2011: Power of Metal tour/ Symphony X- Nevermore- Psychotic Waltz- Mercenary- Thaurorod/ 013- Tilburg/ 20th of March
Edit! ^^
It was a hell of a party, all bands were great.
Sound was good <3 013! Hemispheres were great <3 013! and the last-show-of-the-tour is always promising ...
Condoms on all microphones for Symphony X ( Mama D teaches the boys well

), a revue of snowwhite streakers in devillish red fluffy thongs
(i almost grabbed my sunglasses), a bottle of wine being passed, Russel Allen invited all the bands on stage to sing along with Symphony X and the crowd, stretching Sea of Lies into an infinite blast of a sambaparty, a very deep bow to the crow, it was all there and i witnessed.
Thank you Nevermorons for doing this tour because you had to miss Jim, so therefor a big hell yeah to Dagna!
Nevermore was great tonight and it was good to notice the difference at the beginning or at the end of a tour.
More coherence, less clinical, more feel. Nevermore's machine sounded oiled, tight and very energetic. Van kicked major ass.
Mercenary didn't disappoint me tonight, Thaurorod is not my cup of metal but all very talented young musicians with very white cheeky butts!

Psychotic Waltz were astonishing. Great flow from the stage and i was in front of Brian McAlpin, which was nice.
He took a picture of the crowd at the end and i think my big thumb and smile are now caught on photo.
Symphony X were magical. LePond carried me away, Romeo shred balls, PinaPinella and Russel Allen were great and Rullo ruled.
I love to watch the working men do their thing and Rullo is like a steam train behind his kit, full of energy.
When he drives his ride, he blows my mind. I love his groove and patterns and i also can't get enough of his sexy ass.
'Klein maar fijn' as we say in Dutch
Great evening, I had a ball