Nevermore tour with Megadeth?

Pyrus said:
That deserves a heavy metal AMEN! I couldn't of said it better.
@doods bitching bout DT. Hey man, comon, atleast its not that shitty christian act that Dave pulled outa no where for some shows last time around.
Fuck man, all the guitar solos I could ever want in one show!!

I don't want the shred, I needs it.
Random Beard said:
I don't give a shit who they play with, I won't pay Megadeth prices.
dude i totally agree with you. if i see nevermore it has to be at a club or something

i officially hate arenas unless its some sort of long festival. they charge way too much, and that means more money to clear channel, and i usually can't get close to the band i paid money to see.
i'd rather see nevermore headline.
i have no interest in seeing FF or megadeth ever. and i've seen DT once and that was enough for me. seriously though its such a weird line up: you got mainstream industrial metal, mainstream 'prog', mainstream 'thrash', and then nevermore... who aren't mainstream
it makes some sense if they want to expand the bands fanbase across sub-genres, but it really doesn't work that well. i wouldn't be surprised if nevermore doesn't make much money or get many new fans from this tour...
I'd go just to see Megadeth and Nevermore. I hear the Dream Theater guitarist is really good though so i guess i'd see that. i hope thats the lineup except i'd trade fear factory for some other band.
Larf03 said:
What the fuck people?????? Opening for megadeth is a big deal come on! They'll gather more and more new fans and who knows? Maybe they'll steal the show!
nice thought, but think for a second about who's in charge here, Dave "I'm the greatest thing in metal" Mustaine. No way is he going to let anyone upstage him or what he calls Megadeth, it's really him and a bunch of guys on salary. Metal history is rife with headliners not allowing openers to soundcheck, roadies fucking with other band's equipment, etc. I hate Dave Mustaine.
Megadeth, Dream Theater and Nevermore are three of my favourite bands. Fear Factory are a band I can tolerate (and I like most of the stuff on Demanufacture).
However, I do not live in the ol' US of A. When Megadeth toured here, I had to sit through Diamond Head. *Shaking fist*
DT is not a treat to see... I've seen them twice and it was painful after 3 soongs,
they are really good mucisians, dont get me wrong:
but they should aim for a tour with bands more or less the same music style as them- i.e. - a sit down theatres instead of night clubs...
who the fuck can STAND through a DT concert???????
I'll be at the bar drinking myself to death out of boredome probably...

as for Megadeth- i love 'em.
They really didn't do much for Exodus when they played with them, a little more exposure I guess but nothing too big.

I still think that Nevermore should tour with cooler bands.
heh. i wouldn't mind seeing dream theater. it'll only be because i'm seeing nevermore.

even if equipment messes up on nevermore, they'll still steal the show.

also, loomis will be upstaging petrucci almost every night. it'll make petrucci poop in his pants for sure.