Um...I've stood through about 7 DT concerts, including the 2.5-3 hourish ones, so yeah, that should answer your question. They ARE a treat to see if you like their music. If you like what they do, they're one of the best live bands around, IMHO (at least from a musician's perspective). And they do tour with bands more or less their style, they do two tours every album, and lately one is just them, no one else, for 2-3 hours. Then the other one they do the weird lineup thing, like double headlining with Satriani, or Queensryche, or Yes, all very appropriate. Megadeth is the oddest recently perhaps, but not inappropriate. Their roots are in classic metal as well as classic prog, and they can hang with the best of either camp (and pretty much have).
If DT is not your thing, I can understand, but for those whose thing they ARE, they're fuckin' amazing, and I have not been bored once out of all 7ish times I've seen them (except during Satriani's set

DiscipleofTruMetal: As for Loomis upstaging Petrucci...Um...have you SEEN petrucci play? The only reason anyone would think he could make Petrucci "poop his pants" is because they're a Nevermore fan who doesn't respect DT much. From an actual guitar perspective...No. Loomis is great, but no.
The only problem I have with this lineup is 1) I don't want to see Fear Factory, just dont' care, and 2) I'd rather see Nevermore play a longer set and not so much Megadeth. Unless Megadeth has somehow magically gotten as tight as they were in '98 and before. I know they've gotten better than the last few runs, but I still don't trust them.